mangosR2 / mangos

Production (stable and testing) versions of current mangosR2 v2 server (World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, 3.3.5a client).
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Charge or Intercept Stun bug #769

Closed ghost closed 12 years ago

ghost commented 12 years ago

As we all know, on official when u cast charge or intercept the stun is applied only after he gets to the last point u were, and of course after the server made the warrior find a legible path until his target, now that we have mmaps we can speak of that.

Is there a way to implement that check for ALL charge/intercept spells like, so they will apply the stun debuff only after they reach last point where the target was before using the charge/intercept ability.


Undergarun commented 12 years ago

Maybe also can use pathfinding for random movement generator avoiding fall under map for spells like fear, etc

michalpolko commented 12 years ago

This was already implemented, Undergarun.

@topic, all spelleffects must be applied when caster reaches target, not just those charge spells, just to remember ;) Ihmo it should be done like adding an event with condition. Motion is updated, caster is charging, checks list of remaining events. Gets charge event with effect stun and condition - distance to target <= 5yd. If caster is now in the distance - charge running stops and effect is executed, if not then:

  1. we recalculate the target position?
  2. we just continue running and wait until next update?

don't know how it works on blizz. I know only that we can jump and warrior will not reach us, but reach the point from which we jumped. It is called charge-jumping or something like that ;P

raynar commented 12 years ago

MMm guys..I come from this issue:

You're completly wrong with charge mode of working.

Look this video: is on oficial server.

The stunt is to "immobilize" enemy until your player is going to his position...

please read wowwiki: "While Charge is extremely fast, the 1.5-second stun only keeps the target in place long enough for the warrior to get in melee range. It's useful to interrupt spells...." Without this the warriors/druids are very nerf on pvp.

Now charge stunt is doing effect when player gets in melee range but I should do effect at moment you "push" button.

You can see more info here: --> --> -->

ZuSe commented 12 years ago

Confirmed. Maybe we can make a rule that every report here has to be proved by at least 2 videos, wiki-entries etc. There are a lot of rubbish-tickets posted during the last months... most times because people get their information from another private server or a friend. I have played on offical blizzard since 3.3.3 but i can not remember on everthing, thus i am always take a look into wow-wiki or search for some videos from offical blizzard server (3.3.5 not cata).

In this case i agree with raynar.. my main-pvp-char was a warrior, the target gets stuned for 1,5 sec before the warrior starts movement. Another point is that charge has a limited range on offical... that's still bugged on r2, because you can charge targets even when there is NOT an correct path in range (max 25 yards).

Just an example: I stay down the hill at graveguard at warsong. On the top of the hill there is enemy player in my line on sight... so charge is available (ok). If i cast charge now i should attack the target direclty, that means i jump into the air and move frontal towards the target... but that doesn't happen. When i cast my warrior runs to the left corner of the map, climbs the hill and runs the whole one on the top back to the enemy player... range? i guess about 200-300 yards :)

michalpolko commented 12 years ago

About charge:

I also heard that the distance for charge should be checked with the existing path (or it's lack, when we will charge through the air, from higher Z point to a lower Z point)

I heard both versions: that stun effect of charge should be used when warrior reaches the target and version where stun should be applied when we start charging. Hard to tell which is correct, maybe just check on official (cata I know, but this mechanic wasnt changed I guess...). BUT! remember that there are more spells with charge effect AND some other effect, like Valkyrs in Lich King encounter. Those Valkyrs should apply vehicle mounting when they reach their target. When I was writing the script for LK I had to make a hack with teleporting of the valkyr to it's target so that the effect of mounting vehicle would take effect. I dont know how this spell works now after rsa implemented delayed use of effects after charge, but the spell of valkyr should work like I described.

raynar commented 12 years ago

It isn't hard to know how charge should work. We should read wowwiki/wowhead/videos from oficial in wotlk. And the spell should work like those pages say.

With all this "rewrite-patchs" some spells that always work good, are starting to working bad. This would not be a problem if it were not so difficult to convince rsa about how those spells should work T_T

We are a great team, there are a lot of people who know programming very very good. Rsa is a great developer, but all this can't become to best emulator if we invent new modes of operation of spells. Things like "Piercing Howl don't must break stealth" or "charge should stunt when the player go to enemy, don't before" are breaking the operation of game. I hope this be taken as constructive critique :D

rsa commented 12 years ago

@raynar , just had to make their arguments before any real work began to correct the observations. there are many such controversial issues (for which no one expressed any opinion for or against). if they will be put to work - then "waving his fists after the fight" is ridiculous. as in this case.

raynar commented 12 years ago

The problem isn't there Rsa. I report all of this because my players test all. And I understand you. It's true that If I tell you "before" you implement the rewrite It woulb be more efficient.

I'll try to be more attentive for new patches. Sorry.

carlos93 commented 12 years ago

Fixed ;). Stun when spell was casted and dont have "second charge".

Thanks so much!

raynar commented 12 years ago

yes, thx rsa!