Yup, that's right upcoming enhancement for MangosVB!
Over the years, we been making a ton of fixes and updates to the project. I would love to make a enhancement plan for the future of the project. Lets get some lists going here!
Authentication Updates:
Over time, we have updated the authentication method to support Mangos C++ (Vanilla) Authentication, but there are some major issues with the system for Visual Basic.
Proposed To Do List:
[ ] Rewrite Authentication Service for better structuring.
[ ] Make sure all authentication packets are correctly sent and update properly.
[ ] Finish implementing functions for RealmList packets/reconnect methods for receiving updates.
[ ] Implement character tracking for accounts. (Currently has a table, not being used)
[ ] Implement realm uptime tracking. (Currently has a table, not being used)
[ ] Fix ban message on login. Displaying incorrect packets for suspended accounts as closed accounts.
[ ] Fix authentication bypass, this will be a port over from Mangos C++.
Game World Updates:
When starting MangosVB over 4 years ago, we wanted to port over Mangos C++ (Vanilla) world database, so it was compatible with both versions of the project. A lot of was said that day, but couldn't find it again. So lets start with the basics for now.
Proposed To Do List:
[ ] Rewrite all current commands in the project so they work 100%, specially important ones.
[ ] Finish fixing the Auction House System so it works correctly. (Working Percentage 56%)
[ ] Rewrite Mail System, not working correctly and displays attached items incorrectly.
[ ] Finish implementing Party/Raid Group methods. Currently causing crashes when party members are on different map nodes. Packets are being dropped by the Cluster Service or World Service.
[ ] Finish fixing the Quest System, currently broken and incomplete. (Working Percentage 13%)
[ ] Rewrite Battleground System to support game modes. Currently semi-working at this time.
[ ] Correct all Creature and Game Objects in the world. Tons are incorrectly spawned and missing.
[ ] Implement Game Event System. Currently not supported.
[ ] Fix logout methods for players. Currently displaying 20 second logout time inside cities and safe zones.
[ ] Fix Who's List so it displays the correct information on a players location.
Miscellaneous Changes:
[ ] Update & Rewrite Logging Methods to support a better method.
[ ] Update all SQL stuff to support own on board libraries.
More enhancements will be added over time.
@Krilliac @billy1arm
Yup, that's right upcoming enhancement for MangosVB!
Over the years, we been making a ton of fixes and updates to the project. I would love to make a enhancement plan for the future of the project. Lets get some lists going here!
Authentication Updates:
Over time, we have updated the authentication method to support Mangos C++ (Vanilla) Authentication, but there are some major issues with the system for Visual Basic.
Proposed To Do List:
Game World Updates:
When starting MangosVB over 4 years ago, we wanted to port over Mangos C++ (Vanilla) world database, so it was compatible with both versions of the project. A lot of was said that day, but couldn't find it again. So lets start with the basics for now.
Proposed To Do List:
Miscellaneous Changes:
More enhancements will be added over time. @Krilliac @billy1arm