mangreen / Some-Note

Development Memo
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helm #23

Open mangreen opened 5 years ago

mangreen commented 5 years ago

1. Create GKE cluster (server)

2. Login GCP (client) If you want to logout from all the accounts run the following command

$ gcloud auth revoke --all

If you want to logout from a specific account then run the following command

$ gcloud auth revoke <your_account>

If you want to login with a different account, you can run the following command

$ gcloud auth login

This will take you to the Google's login page where you can choose the account with which you want to login

3. Install Helm 创建tiller的serviceaccount和clusterrolebinding

kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller


helm init -i jimmysong/kubernetes-helm-tiller:v2.8.1

helm init --service-account tiller

pod 啟動需要一些時間

Helm 部署在 GKE 上的權限問題

4. Create Service Account of GCP

5. Define your Chart

Helm 提供快速 create Chart 的指令, 並且可以透過 --dry-run --debug 來預先瀏覽產出的設定是不是你想要的,確認後才真正的執行安裝:

$ helm create example-chart
$ helm install . --dry-run --debug
$ helm install . --name example-chart --namespace example-chart
mangreen commented 1 year ago

Helm mapkubeapis Plugin

mapkubeapis is for mapping apiVersion with Deprecated Kubernetes APIs

mangreen commented 1 year ago

EKS run out free IP in the subnet

Amazon AutoScaling was unable to launch instances because there are not enough free addresses in the subnet associated with your AutoScaling group(s).

為什麼 EKS worker node IP address 容易佔用 IP 或是 subnets IP 地址不夠(一) 為什麼 EKS worker node IP address 容易佔用 IP 或是 subnets IP 地址不夠(二)

EKSでPrivate IPアドレス枯渇したのでaws-nodeの設定を見直した

Running out of Private IP in EKS
