mangstadt / ez-vcard-android

Maps the Android vCard API to the ez-vcard API.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Unable to edit the inserted contacts from Stock Contact app for the account. #4

Open ravindragupta90 opened 7 years ago

ravindragupta90 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am using these classes to insert the contacts, which is working like a charm. But i am unable to edit that same contact from stock contact app, because the contacts are created like whatsapp contacts which are non editable. Is it a bug or to be handled by me? as i am new to it, i would appreciate if u share any references or sample.

ravindragupta90 commented 7 years ago

Hi aarsy, I am trying to convert a jCard -> vCard and then create a contact. I tried ur new link. Getting same result.


This is my code :

JCardReader reader = new JCardReader(jCard); reader.registerScribe(new AndroidCustomFieldScribe()); ContactOperations operations = new ContactOperations(mContext, accName, accType); try { VCard vcard; while ((vcard = reader.readNext()) != null) { operations.insertContact(vcard); } } finally { reader.close(); }

Any suggestions on what might be wrong?

vikky49 commented 7 years ago

to which account are u inserting the contacts ..Can u please provide those details as well

btaduri commented 7 years ago

Looks like the issue is you are not adding contact to device native/default account name and account type. If so for most common contact-fields there will not be any issue in adding but will have issue in editing. I would say first try to find device native/default account name and type then try to add contact to that account name.

ravindragupta90 commented 7 years ago

Hi @aarsy and @vikky49 , I am passing account type = 'com.sample.tron.account.MyACCOUNT' and account name = ''.

ravindragupta90 commented 7 years ago

My account is working fine as i have used it for 2 other syncAdapters in the same app. And even in the SO link which u share to get the account. I am getting my account listed there.

The data which i shared to u was a sample not the actual. Find the actual data below..

**** Get All Registered Accounts *****
--> : ,
--> : com.sample.tron.account.MyACCOUNT,

Correct me if am wrong: If my account name and type is not valid, will the contact app show the contacts which was created from my app?

Sorry to trouble u

ravindragupta90 commented 7 years ago

@aarsy I tried your example too. When we create a contact for account '' it work good. But when i tried to insert the .vcf with some other account. It is still not editable.

private void getAccountsAndShowDialog() {
        AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(this);
        //Since write contacts permission is already asked and GET_ACCOUNTS permission also lies
        // in same permission group therefore there is no need to ask for it. It will be allowed automatically.
        if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            // TODO: Consider calling
            //    ActivityCompat#requestPermissions
            // here to request the missing permissions, and then overriding
            //   public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions,
            //                                          int[] grantResults)
            // to handle the case where the user grants the permission. See the documentation
            // for ActivityCompat#requestPermissions for more details.
        Account[] accounts = am.getAccounts();
        String account_name = null;
        String account_type = null;
        for (Account ac : accounts) {
            String acname =;
            String actype = ac.type;
            System.out.println("Accounts : " + acname + ", " + actype);
            //get the google account
            if (actype.equals("org.c99.SyncProviderDemo.account")) {
                account_name = acname;
                account_type = actype;
        FragmentManager fragmentm = getSupportFragmentManager();
        MyAlertDialog dialog = MyAlertDialog.newInstance(account_name, account_type);, "fragment_select");

Here u can find the demo app whose accountType is "org.c99.SyncProviderDemo.account" Kindly Share ur feedback.