mangstadt / ez-vcard

A vCard parser library for Java
399 stars 92 forks source link

Use a configuration object to provide the option to print parameters as #58

Closed rbertoli closed 8 years ago

rbertoli commented 8 years ago

Suggestion to use a configuration object to define how parameters are printed.

rbertoli commented 8 years ago

Saw later the design in the Encoding class... Forget the suggestion

mangstadt commented 8 years ago


Yes, the VCardParameter(String, boolean) constructor is there so that certain ENCODING parameters can be formatted in uppercase (see:

Please submit another pull request if you find anything else.

rbertoli commented 8 years ago


Thank you for your reaction. The constructor is working great, I was too impulsive thinking about a way to configure uppercase at runtime. It is a nice library, I use it within Wildfly. Next time I will think a little bit longer before coming up with some idea

