mangstadt / ez-vcard

A vCard parser library for Java
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versionStrict(true) does not apply to parameters #61

Open DerBlade opened 8 years ago

DerBlade commented 8 years ago

I am trying to convert a V2.1 Vcard into V4.0 by reading it with your library and writing it to another file. But it seems, that setting 'versionStrict(true)' only removes unsupported properties and not parameters from the output. For example, the "EMAIL" property has the parameters "INTERNET" and "PRIMARY" in my input file and in the output file they are still present. Is this a bug, or is this behaviour intended?

mangstadt commented 8 years ago

Hi DerBlade,

Thank you for reporting this. You are right, versionStrict does not remove unsupported parameter values. I will look into addressing this.

"PRIMARY" is not a valid EMAIL parameter value under any version, so this would always remain.