mangui / flashls

HLS Flash Plugin/Player (Chromeless,OSMF,FlowPlayer,mediaelement.js,video.js,Clappr)
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Videojs: results in 64k-aac while 0.3.5 results in 2040K-video #351

Open tommyh opened 8 years ago

tommyh commented 8 years ago


I'm working on integrating flashls into videojs. First of all, thanks for all the hard work - we really appreciate it, :).

Issue: When using the forked version of video-js.swf, I get drastically different behavior from release version and 0.3.5. I have a "soccer" video which in plays the 64k audio stream (ie no video), and in 0.3.5 it plays the 2040K video stream.

Expected behavior: In the 2040K video stream should play. Actual behavior: In the 64k audio stream plays.

Steps to reproduce: 1) Go to my page for 0.3.5 with my soccer video: 2) Click play and notice how you see video content. 3) Look at the developer console and you should see this:

INFO:HLSProvider: new level index 0 bitrate=64000, width=0, height=0
INFO:HLSProvider: new level index 6 bitrate=2040000, width=0, height=0
INFO:video size changed to (1024,576)

4) Go to my page for with my soccer video: 5) Click play and notice how hear the audio but see no video content. 6) Look at the developer console and you should see this:

VM334:1 INFO:HLSProvider: new level index 0 bitrate=64000, width=0, height=0

For reference, I also made test pages with your sample video, but your sample video plays fine in both versions:

Environment: Mac OS X 10.8.5, Chrome 44.0.2403.125 (64-bit), Good internet connection

Can you reproduce this behavior as well? Or is it just me?

Note: For right now I am sticking with version 0.3.5 and that looks good to me. But wanted to reach out with this issue as soon as I could to put it on your radar.

Thanks, Tom

PS: I've started to make a videojs plugin for flashls to make the integration slightly easier. The main thing it does is register a source handler w/ videojs, so the developer can set the content type of their m3u8 source to "application/x-mpegURL": Do you think you'd want to put this into the flashls readme?

hparra commented 8 years ago

Is your first rendition audio only? I've had problems with hls_capleveltostage enabled and staying stuck on the first rendition.

RE: application/x-mpegURL, been wondering where change really belongs.

hparra commented 8 years ago

@tommyh I've confirmed it's staying on level 0, which is audio only. Setting hls_capleveltostage to false allows auto level switch to work as expected.

tommyh commented 8 years ago

@hparra, when i view the m3u8 for my soccer video, I see this:


So wouldn't the first stage be "2040000"? Or am I reading the m3u8 playlist wrong?

hparra commented 8 years ago

Level indexing goes by sorted bandwidth, so in this case the 64k is 0. That is traditional bitrate for audio-only.

FlasHLS Levels vector also retains the original (file) indices as well, in case you ever needed that.

tommyh commented 8 years ago

In regards to "application/x-mpegURL", if you register a source handler with videojs for m3u8, then it allows you to have both a m3u8 and an mp4 source in your video tag. Then when videojs wakes up, it will loop through the sources for the first tech (in this case techOrder[0] => "Flash"). The source handler says that the Flash tech can play an m3u8 file, so videojs won't look at the mp4 resource or the Html5 tech.

<video id="my-player" preload="none" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" width="{{ width }}" height="{{ height }}" poster="{{ poster_url }}">
  <source src="{{ video_hls_url }}" type="application/x-mpegURL" />
  <source src="{{ video_url }}" type="video/mp4" />

All the end user has todo is invoke the flashls plugin for videojs: videojs.flashls({swfUrl: "http://localhost:3000/path/to/flashls/video-js.swf"});

Not sure if that's what you were asking or not, but hoping to add context. :)

tommyh commented 8 years ago

@hparra - gotcha on the indexing being sorted by bandwidth. :) Very new to HLS, so still trying to get my bearings.

As far as setting hls_capleveltostage, I'm assuming based on my interpretation of these lines, that I need to set a <param> for capLevelToStorage on the object. I'll try that out. If you know of any documentation/examples that'd be super helpful too.

hparra commented 8 years ago

Pass them in as flashvars via VideoJS. See for example.

tommyh commented 8 years ago

@hparra - very cool. thanks!

tommyh commented 8 years ago

confirmed that changing the configuration value fixes it:

    videojs.options.flash.flashVars = {
      hls_capleveltostage: false

Does that mean that is broken for "hls_capleveltostage=true" and my soccer video is a reproducible case? Or is there something broken with my m3u8 file in regards to width/height?

hparra commented 8 years ago

I've had problems with this feature and my streams as well. It's part of FlasHLS itself, so I figure that is doesn't work properly with VideoJS. I am unsure if the feature in FlasHLS proper requires the RESOLUTIONs in the manifest file. That's a good question for @mangui

mangui commented 8 years ago

you should use configuration params if you want to tweak the start level, please refer to