mangui / flashls

HLS Flash Plugin/Player (Chromeless,OSMF,FlowPlayer,mediaelement.js,video.js,Clappr)
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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How to pass Flashls events to MediaElementJS #577

Closed rafa8626 closed 7 years ago

rafa8626 commented 7 years ago

@mangui The AS3 code used in MEJS to use Flashls works fine, but I'd like to pass Flashls events (i.e., ID3_UPDATE) to the JS code so they could be caught. I tried doing something like this:

_hls.addEventListener(HLSEvent.ID3_UPDATED, _ID3Handler);

// later on the code
private function _ID3Handler(event:HLSEvent) : void {'(function(){window["__event__' +  _id + '"]("onID3", "' + event.ID3Data + '")})()', null);

so that method exists on MEJS, but nothing is happening. Can you provide some guidance on what could I be doing wrong? If you can check this URL I'd appreciate it:

Reason why I'm asking this is because somebody brought up to my attention that they want to parse the ID3 tags and right now is possible with Hls.js using Hls.Events.FRAG_PARSING_METADATA, but I think this can be done with Flashls using ID3_UDPATE since IE11 Win7 requires Flash still do play HLS media. But so far I haven't been able to figure out why the event is not being fired.

mangui commented 7 years ago

Hi @rafa8626 nothing special needed for ID3 event, event is handled like the others. you can check the logic in flashls chromeless player: this

Flash event listener JS event listener

are you able to get something from the Flash event listener ? (here)

rafa8626 commented 7 years ago

No and actually that's why my question started. I'm executing the demo file I posted on that branch with the file that has that ID3 info and nothing comes up

rafa8626 commented 7 years ago

I don't know if I'm missing anything else here

mangui commented 7 years ago

you can check your stream on flashls chromeless demo page ID3 event should be visible on the metrics canvas.

rafa8626 commented 7 years ago

This is what I see on the metrics. I see data on hls.js, but I don't know how to interpret this: As far as I've seen I don't see any ID3 data. Thoughts?

rafa8626 commented 7 years ago

This is the hls.js file that shows the data:

I don't how to extract that same data with flashls, given that it provides the info about the artist/album/song/etc.

rafa8626 commented 7 years ago

Or am I using the wrong event for this scenario?

mangui commented 7 years ago

Hi @rafa8626

i just rechecked the code, and indeed this is not the right event. id3 tags are dispatched along with FRAGMENT_PLAYING event

and expose in HLSPlayMetrics object

rafa8626 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for checking this again @mangui I'll follow your recommendation and let you know the final result

rafa8626 commented 7 years ago

Yes you are right that's the event I was looking for; I guess my last question is how can I pass the whole object through method, given that only is letting me process strings?

mangui commented 7 years ago

well, Flash should JSONify HLSPlayMetrics object ? at least the demo page is able to access inner fields of HLSPlayMetrics see then I would guess id3 tags array should also be JSONified ? if not you might need to pass it as a string and deserialize it in JS.

rafa8626 commented 7 years ago

Thanks @mangui for your help. I was able to get the string decoded with JSON. Now I can pass the rest of the events properly.