Each class should be allowed to have functions that can't be reached from outside the class.
Much like java, and swift... we could do something similar.
class A {
A(str) {
this.str = str;
canUse() {
say "Able to use this function";
internal cantUse() {
say "Only internal functions can use me.";
say this.str;
useBoth() {
>> let a = A("wow");
>> a.canUse(); // Can use... as its public
Able to use this function
>> a.cantUse(); // Wont be able to use... as its internal
Sorry, this is a private class!
>> a.useBoth(); // Can use... as its a public function, accessing a private function in the same class
Able to use this function
Only internal functions can use me.
Each class should be allowed to have functions that can't be reached from outside the class.
Much like java, and swift... we could do something similar. eg.