Name: Condition to use stdlib from source branch when testing on CI
About: I have added a check when it is on CI to use the source branch.
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Added a check that it is on CI and if so will use the source branch as location for stdlib. If it cannot recognize that it is on CI, it will continue to use the default mani-language/Mani/master branch. Offline mode has not been changed
Describe intended use
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Any changes made to stdlib should now be present in tests on that branch. This mostly affects tests run on pull requests
Is it in the form of a library
[x] No
Does your PR replace an existing system
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Replaces connecting to the main repo master branch by default and will instead use the source branch.
Name: Condition to use stdlib from source branch when testing on CI About: I have added a check when it is on CI to use the source branch.
Is your PR related to a feature request or Bug report? If applicable, please list feature request number or bug report ID.
Describe your PR A clear and concise description of what your pull request is changing or adding.
Describe intended use A clear and concise description of the intended use of the feature. Along with example code.
Is it in the form of a library
Does your PR replace an existing system If applicable, please describe how this PR changes the use of a related item.