How is everything? I recently added a few functions to the Shape tab of BatchQC. Specifically, I made a robust version of the sample-wise test, and added check boxes which allow users to choose whether to use the robust tests. I also created two sub-tabs which contain boxplots for the distribution of moment estimates from each batch. These functions were useful in our manuscript for mean-only and reference-batch ComBat (to be submitted to PloS One soon), and it would be great to include them in the BatchQC package.
Hi Mani,
How is everything? I recently added a few functions to the Shape tab of BatchQC. Specifically, I made a robust version of the sample-wise test, and added check boxes which allow users to choose whether to use the robust tests. I also created two sub-tabs which contain boxplots for the distribution of moment estimates from each batch. These functions were useful in our manuscript for mean-only and reference-batch ComBat (to be submitted to PloS One soon), and it would be great to include them in the BatchQC package.
Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!