maniacx / Battery-Health-Charging

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Extension settings show an error on 2020 Asus Zephyrus G14 #63

Closed tolis626 closed 9 months ago

tolis626 commented 9 months ago

As the title says. I installed the extension, it notifies me about installing Polkit (Which is already installed) and then throws the following error. `The settings of extension had an error:

TypeError: headerbar.pack_start is not a function

Stack trace:


` I am running Garuda Linux with Gnome. Thanks!

maniacx commented 9 months ago

Hmm. You are the second user who has report this. Which Gnome version are you using?

tolis626 commented 9 months ago

44.5. At first I thought it might be related to the g14 specific stuff I've added to, among others, control battery charge limits, but that would make sense if the extension didn't do what it was supposed to. Now it's not even showing the settings. I tried removing polkit but it breaks quite a few dependencies, so I decided to follow the instructions and report the issue here before I do anything rash.

Also thanks for your work!

maniacx commented 9 months ago

Hey can you test this.

It is related to the menu that takes you to the project page/report bug/ etc. I have disabled it for now in this Install it using but running ./ from terminal if it throw an error regarding msgfmt install gettext. sudo apt install gettext or equivalent for Garuda Linux

I believe some update may have broken this. Curious , did you install it the first time? or it was working earlier and suddenly it broke?

tolis626 commented 9 months ago

Yup, that worked. Like, instantly, no problems. Ran the script, logged out, logged back in, it was working, prompted me to install the polkit thingy, logged out again, logged back in, all is fine. So whatever the problem was, you solved it (honestly, the details are a bit over my head).

It was the first time installing it. It's been a while since I've used Gnome and so far I was using the ROG Control Center to control charging thresholds, but it was rather cumbersome and problematic for me, so I searched for alternatives and here I am. Right now it works like a charm, it's discreet and it's built right into the shell, love it. Thank you!

PS : If there's anything else you'd want me to check I'd be happy to help. Otherwise I'm gonna mark this as resolved (I think that's what the "close with comment button does", no?)

maniacx commented 9 months ago

I will investigate and let you know, if I need any further test / or info As I am not experiencing this issue but I am still on Gnome 44.3 (Ubuntu 23.04). So still need to find out what is breaking it.

Could you also check what is your GTK version from terminal using

gtk-launch --version

tolis626 commented 9 months ago

Sure, it's 3.24.38.

maniacx commented 9 months ago

Also test this version. If all goes well you should be able to see this menu. menu

tolis626 commented 9 months ago

Sorry I'm late, I had to go to bed last night. So, I installed the test 2 version on top of the old version (just ran which finished successfully, logged out, logged back in), no such menu exists. Should I maybe remove the old version and install this one?

maniacx commented 9 months ago

As long as you have installed and logout - login it should work.

Is this icon not displays in your header bar for extension settings? menu

tolis626 commented 9 months ago

Screenshot from 2023-09-24 02-49-03 Yup, not there.