maniacx / Battery-Health-Charging

GNU General Public License v3.0
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General Question #76

Closed Mtillmann closed 4 months ago

Mtillmann commented 4 months ago

I am wondering if my installation is running correctly. I've set a threshold of 85% which is reflected in /sys/class/power_supply/BATT/charge_control_end_threshold. However gnome's native battery charge percentage still shows 100%. Is this working as intended?

maniacx commented 4 months ago

if you set threshold to 85% when you battery level is 100%, it will discharge the battery at a extremely slow rate. and may take several hours to discharge from 100% to 85%. One way of finding out if threshold actually work is to discharge the battery level below 90% by disconnecting the charger. once below 90% connect the charger and verify that the battery level doesn't increase.

Another way of checking is by running in terminal. cat /sys/class/power_supply/BATT/status It should report as NotCharging.

Another way is to use upower command upower -d Under Device: /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BATT > state should not be charging . I could be in pending-charge state or discharging state. Athough if battery level is 99/100% it might report fully-charged instead of any other states discharging or pending-charge

Mtillmann commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the reply. As I suspected charge_control_end_threshold is completely ignored. I let the charge drop below 85, then plugged in the charger and it immediately went beyond 85% while the state is "charging". I think this is an issue with my asus laptop as everything is terrible and nothing works with it. Thanks for work and effort!