manicminer / terraform-aws-acm-certificate

Terraform module to create and validate AWS ACM certificates with DNS validation via Route53
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Tried to create resource record set...but it already exists #2

Open mabushey opened 5 years ago

mabushey commented 5 years ago
module "my_acm_certificate" {
  source = "modules/aws_acm_certificate" 
  domain_names = ["", "*"]
  zone_id = "${aws_route53_zone.example.zone_id}"
  providers = {
    "aws.acm" = "aws"
    "aws.route53" = "aws"

What I think is the issue is under ACM both and * have the exact same record of CNAME Seems like they should be different.

mabushey commented 5 years ago

I was able to get Terraform to apply cleanly with this change:

 resource "aws_route53_record" "validation" {
   provider = "aws.route53"
-  count = "${length(var.domain_names)}"
+#  count = "${length(var.domain_names)}"
+  count = 1
   name = "${lookup(aws_acm_certificate.main.domain_validation_options[count.index], "resource_record_name")}"
   type = "${lookup(aws_acm_certificate.main.domain_validation_options[count.index], "resource_record_type")}"
   # default required for zone_ids lookup because
a-abella commented 4 years ago

Just ran into this myself. AWS has the validation CNAME behavior documented here:

Note that the first two _x values in the table are the same. That is, the random string created by ACM for the wild card name * is the same as that created for the base domain name Note also that ACM creates different CNAME records for and

luis02lopez commented 4 years ago

Happening to us too. Terraform v 0.11 aws provider v 2.70, it destroys the DNS record, try to create, but it says that already exist and we end up having our app DOWN because there is no record replacement.

fingerquote commented 3 years ago

We are getting this issue as well. Any workarounds? We are in Terraform v0.13.5 and AWS Provider 3.15.0.