manierim / ingressplanner

Ingress Planner is an online tool for the Niantic game "Ingress".
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Ingress Planner retirement #17

Open manierim opened 4 years ago

manierim commented 4 years ago

Fellow agents,

I've no longer been an active agent in Ingress since many years ago. I kept doing some occasional Intel support to field agents, but that too ended months ago.

So my involvement with the Ingress "playing" community is almost zero now.

On December 17th, 2020 the domain will expire and I will not renew it.

This repository will remain up and public if anybody wants to run its own fork.

I'm also available to transfer the ownership of both the domain and the repository if anybody would be interested in taking up them.

robertschmid23 commented 3 years ago

I would like to see IngressPlanner survive. It is an incredibly useful tool. I would be interested in taking ownership. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.

manierim commented 3 years ago

Hello Robert.

Please be aware that a few days ago Google changed its auth security checks. It no longer accept requests from an HTML frame

It is now impossibile for Intel/IITC inside a frame to perform google authentication. Don't know about facebook auth.

This renders the current planner architecture unusable.

Everything should be moved into an IITC plugin, requiring a full rewrite of UI.

The domain is therefore useless as of now.

You are welcome to submit any rewrite to move the planner into a standalone IITC plugin.

Upon checking the rewrite as functional I'll gladly transfer the github repo ownership to you

robertschmid23 commented 3 years ago

Well, that's unfortunate. I was hoping it was just due to the expired SSL cert. Is it possible to replace the iFrame with an HTML5 and repair it that way? That would be a simpler fix.

manierim commented 3 years ago

I don't think. I use inter-frame messaging to send commands and receive information between IITC and the planner.

As you can see the SSL cert issue has been resolved but still Google auth does not work...

robertschmid23 commented 3 years ago

OK, I just ran an experiment with but it's the same result. I assume it's a CORS issue. Facebook auth is also disabled. I'll start a new fork and see what I can do about an iitc plugin. Hopefully someone will beat me to it.

cooljackgi commented 3 years ago

u man thats so sad :/ i would love to help but php and html is not my favorit Programm language...