manierim / ingressplanner

Ingress Planner is an online tool for the Niantic game "Ingress".
8 stars 5 forks source link

Status and Dragables #8

Closed Emerica closed 4 years ago

Emerica commented 6 years ago

Thanks for putting this together. Is this the live V2 planner or V1? Are you still doing any maintaining of the project? If this is a V2 release I may look into some of this myself and push a pull request if you are maintaining.

I've gone through the process of making a cross faction Christmas tree plan with the current online planner v2 I'd like to offer some suggestions for improvement.

I'll try to order by stress/pain/ most important.

Please add a draggables js library to the planner. Allow rows to be sorted by dragging. This is the most painful experience for me by far. Moving a portal one row at a time once or twice isn't too bad, but when trying to resort 60+ rows, it gets rather painful. So much so I don't really want to add more links to my plan as will involve resorting. A draggables library would just make things easy without having to rehash the sorting code.

Export an intel map link. My goal in trying out the current online planner was to make things easy for the other faction as well as ours. Send over an ipp and be done with it. Well nope. All of them are likely going to deny any kind of iitc use just as a start. Having a function to convert the portal coordinates back to a intel map querystring would be helpful. Maybe there is and I missed it. Could then send links out as the plan changes. I basically parse the ipp and do this right now.

function walkround(&$v,$k,$p){
  $v = round($v,$p);
$url = "";
foreach($data->steps as $step){
    $comma_str = str_replace("|", ",", $step->portals);
    $coords = explode(',', $comma_str);
    array_walk($parts, 'walkround', 3);
    $qstr .= implode(",",$coords)."_";
$url = substr($qstr, 0, -1);

Big plans might need more logic to catch query string length, haven't tested a post request. $url's missing the home coords as well ll=? First portal coords?

Allow for faction selection Not a huge deal, but it would be nice to be able to change the faction Our tree plan is half green , half blue it would be nice to have the right descriptions when planned by the opposite team., (use jarvis, etc). This might be more of a headache being in the same plan but would be handy for doing Xfac plans.

"Caching" portal data to the ipp, or ippx? encode the portal name and thumb into and extended ippx? saving on having to reload every time the plan is reopened? I could see a slight terms issue data storage issue there, but would sure make sending and reloading plans much more user friendly. The ipp wouldn't exactly be pretty to lookat with the encoded images, but it'd work and be fairly simple to add?