manifold-inc / targon

A library for building subnets with the manifold reward stack
MIT License
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Prover registration failure #25

Open hamletwasntfat opened 2 months ago

hamletwasntfat commented 2 months ago

Hey, guys!

I trying to register my hotkey (and recycle 1 tao) as prover, but follow with some error:

(tensorml) user@b42d66b2-348f-4faf-8550-b5dd90129e00:~/targon$ btcli subnet register --netuid 4 finney sn4_miner --wallet.hotkey sn4_miner
/home/user/mambaforge/envs/tensorml/lib/python3.11/site-packages/eth_utils/ UserWarning: Network 345 with name 'Yooldo Verse Mainnet' does not have a valid ChainId. eth-typing should be updated with the latest networks.
/home/user/mambaforge/envs/tensorml/lib/python3.11/site-packages/eth_utils/ UserWarning: Network 12611 with name 'Astar zkEVM' does not have a valid ChainId. eth-typing should be updated with the latest networks.
Your balance is: τ1.000000000
The cost to register by recycle is τ1.000000000
Do you want to continue? [y/n] (n): y
Enter password to unlock key:
Recycle τ1.000000000 to register on subnet:4? [y/n]: y
{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Transaction would exhaust the block limits'}, retrying in 2 seconds...
{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Transaction would exhaust the block limits'}, retrying in 4 seconds...

Is this related to active hotkeys limit (256/256)?

hamletwasntfat commented 2 months ago

Interesting. is this automatic registration cost improvement, guys?

(tensorml) user@b42d66b2-348f-4faf-8550-b5dd90129e00:~$ btcli subnet register --netuid 4 finney sn4_miner --wallet.hotkey sn4_miner
/home/user/mambaforge/envs/tensorml/lib/python3.11/site-packages/eth_utils/ UserWarning: Network 345 with name 'Yooldo Verse Mainnet' does not have a valid ChainId. eth-typing should be updated with the latest networks.
/home/user/mambaforge/envs/tensorml/lib/python3.11/site-packages/eth_utils/ UserWarning: Network 12611 with name 'Astar zkEVM' does not have a valid ChainId. eth-typing should be updated with the latest networks.
Insufficient balance τ1.300000000 to register neuron. Current recycle is τ2.000000000 TAO