Manifold is a Java compiler plugin, its features include Metaprogramming, Properties, Extension Methods, Operator Overloading, Templates, a Preprocessor, and more.
Types defined in fragments are often lost in the IntelliJ editor after loading/refreshing a project and after other random background events that rip PSI out from under the editor. The dev experience is hampered by this. Work toward improving fragments as a first-class language construct within the IDE. In particular, since manifold-sql is going to leverage the crap out of fragments, hardening this feature is paramount.
Types defined in fragments are often lost in the IntelliJ editor after loading/refreshing a project and after other random background events that rip PSI out from under the editor. The dev experience is hampered by this. Work toward improving fragments as a first-class language construct within the IDE. In particular, since manifold-sql is going to leverage the crap out of fragments, hardening this feature is paramount.