Bug description: If the label of a prompt exceeds the horizontal width of the terminal window, then each keystroke results in the prompt being displayed on a newline.
Expected behavior: If a label spans multiple lines, the behavior is identical to if the label spans one line -- the label is displayed only once.
Bug description: If the label of a prompt exceeds the horizontal width of the terminal window, then each keystroke results in the prompt being displayed on a newline.
Expected behavior: If a label spans multiple lines, the behavior is identical to if the label spans one line -- the label is displayed only once.
Observed behavior: When a label spans multiple lines, each keystroke results in a new printed version of the label, i.e. https://asciinema.org/a/hHDOBInyBFwBPXN2ZfaPcULKP
Minimal working example:
Asciinema recording of the above: https://asciinema.org/a/hHDOBInyBFwBPXN2ZfaPcULKP