manigggg18 / manimani

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CPT Review Ticket #2 #12

Open manigggg18 opened 1 year ago

manigggg18 commented 1 year ago

CPT Progress:

CPT Scoring:


manigggg18 commented 1 year ago

CB Reflection: I ended up disagreeing with CB on most categories once again, but I think that I'm slowly understanding the full requirements. The picky-ness of CB is still somewhat confusing, but their grading behavior starts to make sense after I read their comments. I think I'm starting to understand it though.

Soham360 commented 1 year ago
Mani Grading Category Score Comment
OOP Hacks 0 You created your own class function and it worked properly and was very advanced. Unfortunately, you had not done the first part of the hacks which was to create a function to print DOB, Name, and Date of Graduation. Unfortuanatly, this deserves a 0/1.
CollegeBoard Grading 1 When I first saw your grading compared to to the CollegeBoard grading, I saw that your grading was vastly different and I wondered why. After reading your refection, I now understand why you graded the way you did and I agree with some parts. Overall, you have completed the grading and wrote thoughtful comments with a reflection for all of them. You deserve a 1/1.
Frontend Project 1 The Frontend was very advanced and they had a spinning animation when a card/logo was clicked. You also had a functional login page which is very advanced. Overall, your group's progress on this category is very ahead and your group deserves a 1/1.