Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
Thanks for reporting this bug.
Original comment by joe.scylla
on 18 Aug 2011 at 10:04
The problem results because the @-webkit-keyframes did not get parsed by the
parser plugin responsible for parsing @keyframes at-rule blocks. This parser
plugin triggers only on the keyword "@keyframes" (and not on
A temporary fix would be to use the keyword "@keyframes" and activate the
minifier filter "ConvertLevel3AtKeyframes".
Original comment by joe.scylla
on 18 Aug 2011 at 10:41
Unfortunately I don't have control over the CSS that I'm dealing with. I tried
changing some code in the CssAtKeyframesParserPlugin class in the parse method
to detect the webkit declaration. The issue was that it would parse correctly
but change to @keyframes instead of @-webkit-keyfrmaes:
if ($char === "@" && $state === "T_DOCUMENT" && strtolower(substr($this->parser->getSource(), $index, 10)) === "@keyframes")
return $index + 10;
// Start of @keyframes at-rule block
elseif ($char === "@" && $state === "T_DOCUMENT" && strtolower(substr($this->parser->getSource(), $index, 18)) === "@-webkit-keyframes")
return $index + 10;
Original comment by
on 18 Aug 2011 at 2:46
Fixed in Version 3.0.1 (Revision #163)
Original comment by joe.scylla
on 19 Aug 2011 at 10:25
Original issue reported on by
on 18 Aug 2011 at 7:11