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Fine tuning LLM #70

Open manisnesan opened 3 months ago

manisnesan commented 3 months ago

manisnesan commented 3 months ago

manisnesan commented 3 months ago

manisnesan commented 3 months ago post - You can train 70B param model using FSDP and QLora

manisnesan commented 3 months ago

LoRA - Low rank adapters. They are basically small matrices. Keeping the rest of the model as constant, only train these small matrices

Intent is everybody need to contribute to the creation of models

LoRA doesn’t train the whole large language model at all, but instead adds “adaptors”, which are very small matrices (generally smaller than 1% of the full model) that are trained, whilst keeping the rest of the model constant

Keeping the base model as quantized ( frozen during training) keep the adapters unquantized

Tim realized that LoRA can be combined with quantization: use a quantized base model, which is not changed at all by the training, and add trainable LoRA adaptors that are not quantized. This combination is QLoRA

manisnesan commented 3 months ago


Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning- PEFT approaches enable you to get performance comparable to full fine-tuning while only having a small number of trainable parameters.

manisnesan commented 3 months ago

Fine tune minimal expample using QLORA - Colab

manisnesan commented 3 months ago

Fine tune using Unsloth with Colab Examples

Very few lines of code + GPU poor friendly + Good performance

X post


manisnesan commented 2 months ago

Fine tune your first LLM using torch tune

torch tune


Source : Andrej tweet

manisnesan commented 2 months ago

Fine-tune Llama 3 with ORPO


Source : Maxime labonne post & another post



manisnesan commented 2 months ago

ORPO slides

manisnesan commented 1 month ago

Fine tune a gpt2 model for spam classification

manisnesan commented 1 month ago

fine tune with axolotl

manisnesan commented 1 month ago

manisnesan commented 1 month ago

Extended Guide: Instruction-tune Llama 2 -

Toc 1. Define the use case and create a prompt template for instructions 2. Create an instruction dataset 3. Instruction-tune Llama 2 using trl and the SFTTrainer Flash Attention 4. Test Model and run Inference