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Transformers / LLMs from scratch #73

Open manisnesan opened 5 months ago

manisnesan commented 5 months ago

X post from Jeremy

manisnesan commented 5 months ago

Related Rasbt announcement about the book building LLM from scratch X post



manisnesan commented 3 months ago

Related xformers

The xFormers library is a PyTorch-based library that offers flexible and optimized building blocks for Transformers, allowing the creation of state-of-the-art models[4]. It provides interoperable components that can be combined to build advanced models for various applications[2]. xFormers is known for its efficiency in both inference and training, offering faster speed and reduced memory consumption in attention blocks[2]. Researchers across different domains like NLP and vision benefit from its customizable building blocks, research-oriented components, and efficient design[1]. The library is recommended for its speed, memory efficiency, and the ability to use custom CUDA kernels while dispatching to other libraries when necessary[1].

In summary, xFormers is a versatile library that empowers researchers to build cutting-edge models efficiently by providing customizable building blocks, research-first components, and an emphasis on speed and memory efficiency[1][2][4].

Sources [1] facebookresearch/xformers: Hackable and optimized Transformers ... [2] xFormers - Hugging Face [3] Can someone ELI5 transformers and the “Attention is all we need” paper? [4] Welcome to xFormers's documentation! [5] [PDF] USING TRANSFORMERS TO PREDICT CUSTOMER ...


manisnesan commented 3 months ago

Related Understanding encoder and decoder
