Implement a rating-based filter that allows users to filter movies by their ratings.
Provide a detailed description of the feature
This feature will allow users to sort and filter movies based on their rating. Users will be able to select ratings (e.g., from 1 to 5 stars) or an average rating threshold (e.g., movies rated above 4.0). This filter can be added as a dropdown or a set of clickable rating icons. The implementation will be integrated into the existing movie search system, improving the user experience by helping them find the best-rated movies quickly.
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Feature Description
Implement a rating-based filter that allows users to filter movies by their ratings.
Provide a detailed description of the feature
This feature will allow users to sort and filter movies based on their rating. Users will be able to select ratings (e.g., from 1 to 5 stars) or an average rating threshold (e.g., movies rated above 4.0). This filter can be added as a dropdown or a set of clickable rating icons. The implementation will be integrated into the existing movie search system, improving the user experience by helping them find the best-rated movies quickly.
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