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Setting Default Applications #44

Open MohamedaliS opened 2 years ago

MohamedaliS commented 2 years ago

How to set default application for PDF files? Is there any short key to right click a file and choose "open with" a specific application? The system settings for default applications have options only for Web, mail, calendar, music, video and photos. Of course, the pdf file gets opened in browser. I don't want the file to be opened by browser. I want it to be opened by Document viewer. Suggestions on how to set up the default application for PDF, document and apk (The apk files are opened by archive manager. I am clueless on how to open it with Waydroid) will be greatly helpful.

dasoe commented 1 year ago

Dear MohamedaliS,

I have the same question and did not find an answer using the system and GUI. But the question about pdfs (and other files) you can solve the Linux way.

You should find a file ~/.config/mimeapps.list which holds Default applications for mime types.

In this file you should change or add the line for pdf like this: application/pdf=org.gnome.Evince.desktop

You can find a lot more information on this here.

org.gnome.Evince.desktop should be standard Document viewer in phosh, but you might double check the correct name of the desktop file of the application in /usr/share/applications/

hope this helps (This does probably not answer your question about waydroid, I do not use it, so don't know about that, sorry).

have a great day! oe