manjaro-sway / manjaro-sway

manjaro linux with wayland 🖼, sway 🌴 and a lot of ♥
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How to change this border color #329

Closed mioscape closed 10 months ago

mioscape commented 2 years ago

I wonder how to change this border colour (Brightness Bar, Volume Bar & Notification Bar)

I want to match it with Catppuccin Color Scheme

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boredland commented 2 years ago

You can create and load a custom theme. I will make this a bit easier then it is now, but roughly:

Create a copy of the theme:

And point to it by editing your .config/sway/config

mioscape commented 2 years ago

You can create and load a custom theme. I will make this a bit easier then it is now, but roughly:

Create a copy of the theme:

And point to it by editing your .config/sway/config

Which variable do i need to change. I did change the configuration, but no luck

mioscape commented 2 years ago

Any solution?

boredland commented 2 years ago

Yes, it is super easy:

cp /usr/share/sway/themes/matcha-green/definitions ~/.config/sway/definitiond.d/theme.conf

do your customization in ~/.config/sway/definitiond.d/theme.conf.

boredland commented 2 years ago

I would keep this ticket open, as we should document that in our

mioscape commented 2 years ago

I would keep this ticket open, as we should document that in our

Uhh sorry, its changed. I thought the colors changed without rebooting the device. I edit the file immediately in /usr/share/sway/themes/matcha-green/definitions, I'll move it to ~/.config

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boredland commented 2 years ago

I edit the file immediately in /usr/share/sway/themes/matcha-green/definitions, I'll move it to ~/.config

please do that, as it will ensure this endures updates.

boredland commented 2 years ago

keeping open to make sure we document this properly.

mioscape commented 2 years ago

I edit the file immediately in /usr/share/sway/themes/matcha-green/definitions, I'll move it to ~/.config

please do that, as it will ensure this endures updates.

It's working

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robin-thoene commented 11 months ago


I know this is closed but I have a similar issue. I can not get the Volume and Brightness bar to change the color.

My current theme is located under .config/sway/themes/custom/definitions and looks like this:

# some global theme specific variables
set $gtk-theme Dracula
set $icon-theme Dracula
set $cursor-theme xcursor-breeze
set $gui-font JetBrainsMono Nerd Font 11
set $term-font JetBrainsMono Nerd Font 11
set $gtk-color-scheme prefer-dark
set $kvantum-theme Dracula

set $color0  #141a1b
set $color1  #282a2b
set $color2  #3B758C
set $color3  #41535B
set $color4  #43a5d5
set $color5  #d6d6d6
set $color6  #f8f8f2
set $color7  #ffffff
set $color8  #Cd3f45
set $color9  #db7b55
set $color10 #e6cd69
set $color11 #9fca56
set $color12 #bd93f9
set $color13 #55b5db
set $color14 #a074c4
set $color15 #8a553f

set $background-color $color0
set $text-color $color6
set $selection-color $color1
set $accent-color $color12

# Basic color configuration using the Base16 variables for windows and borders.
# Property Name         Border  BG       Text    Indicator Child Border
client.focused          $color5 $color12 $color0 $color6   $color12
client.focused_inactive $color1 $color1  $color5 $color3   $color1
client.unfocused        $color1 $color0  $color5 $color6   $color1
client.urgent           $color8 $color8  $color0 $color9   $color8
client.placeholder      $color0 $color0  $color5 $color0   $color0
client.background       $color7

The dracula theme I installed from here This is applied, I can verify by opening gtk / kvantum styled applications.

The theme is imported in my config .config/sway/config

# Default config for sway
# Copy this to ~/.config/sway/config and edit it to your liking.
# Read `man 5 sway` for a complete reference.

# styles - set the folder for your theme definition file
set $theme ~/.config/sway/themes/custom

# theme variables
include $theme/definitions

# global variables
include /etc/sway/definitions

# user variables
include $HOME/.config/sway/definitions.d/*.conf

include /etc/sway/inputs/*
include /etc/sway/outputs/*

# enable modes
include /etc/sway/modes/*

# only enable this if every app you use is compatible with wayland
# xwayland disable

# include additional configs e.g. to autostart applications
include /etc/sway/config.d/*

# user config
include $HOME/.config/sway/config.d/*.conf

Which seems to be applied, because for example the notification is themed with the correct color ($color12 -> #bd93f9)

Thanks in advance for any feedback / help.

mioscape commented 11 months ago


I know this is closed but I have a similar issue. I can not get the Volume and Brightness bar to change the color.

My current theme is located under .config/sway/themes/custom/definitions and looks like this:

# some global theme specific variables
set $gtk-theme Dracula
set $icon-theme Dracula
set $cursor-theme xcursor-breeze
set $gui-font JetBrainsMono Nerd Font 11
set $term-font JetBrainsMono Nerd Font 11
set $gtk-color-scheme prefer-dark
set $kvantum-theme Dracula

set $color0  #141a1b
set $color1  #282a2b
set $color2  #3B758C
set $color3  #41535B
set $color4  #43a5d5
set $color5  #d6d6d6
set $color6  #f8f8f2
set $color7  #ffffff
set $color8  #Cd3f45
set $color9  #db7b55
set $color10 #e6cd69
set $color11 #9fca56
set $color12 #bd93f9
set $color13 #55b5db
set $color14 #a074c4
set $color15 #8a553f

set $background-color $color0
set $text-color $color6
set $selection-color $color1
set $accent-color $color12

# Basic color configuration using the Base16 variables for windows and borders.
# Property Name         Border  BG       Text    Indicator Child Border
client.focused          $color5 $color12 $color0 $color6   $color12
client.focused_inactive $color1 $color1  $color5 $color3   $color1
client.unfocused        $color1 $color0  $color5 $color6   $color1
client.urgent           $color8 $color8  $color0 $color9   $color8
client.placeholder      $color0 $color0  $color5 $color0   $color0
client.background       $color7

The dracula theme I installed from here This is applied, I can verify by opening gtk / kvantum styled applications.

The theme is imported in my config .config/sway/config

# Default config for sway
# Copy this to ~/.config/sway/config and edit it to your liking.
# Read `man 5 sway` for a complete reference.

# styles - set the folder for your theme definition file
set $theme ~/.config/sway/themes/custom

# theme variables
include $theme/definitions

# global variables
include /etc/sway/definitions

# user variables
include $HOME/.config/sway/definitions.d/*.conf

include /etc/sway/inputs/*
include /etc/sway/outputs/*

# enable modes
include /etc/sway/modes/*

# only enable this if every app you use is compatible with wayland
# xwayland disable

# include additional configs e.g. to autostart applications
include /etc/sway/config.d/*

# user config
include $HOME/.config/sway/config.d/*.conf

Which seems to be applied, because for example the notification is themed with the correct color ($color12 -> #bd93f9)

Thanks in advance for any feedback / help.

In my case, i need to re-apply the theme every time booted to linux

robin-thoene commented 11 months ago

Isn't that already the case when setting this theme in the config file?

robin-thoene commented 11 months ago

I found this in /etc/sway/definitions:

set $onscreen_bar /usr/share/sway/scripts/ "$accent-color" "$background-color"

this seems to be the line that is responsible for setting the bar colors. However, I already override these two colors in my theme, but the bar still stays green.

boredland commented 11 months ago

Hi there! @robin-thoene and I investigated a little yesterday evening. Apparently nothing ever refreshed the wob config and we had a problem with the order of things. As the global definitions are being loaded first, and nothing did override the $onscreen_bar variable. This one is being released as manjaro-sway-settings-git, feedback welcome!

robin-thoene commented 11 months ago

Hey @boredland.

big thank you again for the investigation yesterday!

What I am now as well experiencing after reboot with our/my updated solution is that the primary color is no longer applied to the notifications and the dmenu

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boredland commented 11 months ago

With said patch, this worked nicely for me.

Add .config/sway/definitions.d/theme.conf:

# dracula
# needed packages: dracula-gtk-theme dracula-kde-theme-git dracula-icons-git
# some global theme specific variables
set $gtk-theme Dracula
set $icon-theme Dracula-icons
set $cursor-theme Dracula-cursors
set $gui-font Roboto 11
set $term-font JetBrainsMono NF 14
set $gtk-color-scheme prefer-dark
set $kvantum-theme Dracula-purple-solid

set $color0  #141a1b
set $color1  #282a2b
set $color2  #3B758C
set $color3  #41535B
set $color4  #43a5d5
set $color5  #d6d6d6
set $color6  #f8f8f2
set $color7  #ffffff
set $color8  #Cd3f45
set $color9  #db7b55
set $color10 #e6cd69
set $color11 #9fca56
set $color12 #bd93f9
set $color13 #55b5db
set $color14 #a074c4
set $color15 #8a553f

set $background-color $color0
set $text-color $color6
set $selection-color $color1
set $accent-color $color12

# Basic color configuration using the Base16 variables for windows and borders.
# Property Name         Border  BG       Text    Indicator Child Border
client.focused          $color5 $color12 $color0 $color6   $color12
client.focused_inactive $color1 $color1  $color5 $color3   $color1
client.unfocused        $color1 $color0  $color5 $color6   $color1
client.urgent           $color8 $color8  $color0 $color9   $color8
client.placeholder      $color0 $color0  $color5 $color0   $color0
client.background       $color7

Add .config/foot/foot.ini:


# alpha=1.0

## Normal/regular colors (color palette 0-7)
regular0=21222c  # black
regular1=ff5555  # red
regular2=50fa7b  # green
regular3=f1fa8c  # yellow
regular4=bd93f9  # blue
regular5=ff79c6  # magenta
regular6=8be9fd  # cyan
regular7=f8f8f2  # white

## Bright colors (color palette 8-15)
bright0=6272a4   # bright black
bright1=ff6e6e   # bright red
bright2=69ff94   # bright green
bright3=ffffa5   # bright yellow
bright4=d6acff   # bright blue
bright5=ff92df   # bright magenta
bright6=a4ffff   # bright cyan
bright7=ffffff   # bright white

## dimmed colors (see foot.ini(5) man page)
# dim0=<not set>
# ...
# dim7=<not-set>

## The remaining 256-color palette
# 16 = <256-color palette #16>
# ...
# 255 = <256-color palette #255>

## Misc colors
# jump-labels=<regular0> <regular3>          # black-on-yellow
# scrollback-indicator=<regular0> <bright4>  # black-on-bright-blue
# search-box-no-match=<regular0> <regular1>  # black-on-red
# search-box-match=<regular0> <regular3>     # black-on-yellow

If y'all can confirm this working, we could even add this one to /usr/share/sway/themes/

boredland commented 11 months ago

Hey @boredland.

big thank you again for the investigation yesterday!

What I am now as well experiencing after reboot with our/my updated solution is that the primary color is no longer applied to the notifications and the dmenu

Have to skel-ed the new .config/sway/config?

robin-thoene commented 11 months ago

What do you mean exactly with to skel?

boredland commented 11 months ago

What do you mean exactly with to skel?

Copy the file from /etc/.skel - either manually or via the skel command.

robin-thoene commented 11 months ago

No luck so far. I executed the skel command and installed dracula-kde-theme-git. For some reason yay can not find darcula-gtk-theme on my machine.

I installed GTK and Kvantum theme manually before using the Dracula documentation and in my old version where I explicitly set the $theme var to my theme the notification cards and the dmenu where styled correct.

boredland commented 11 months ago

Just tried it on another machine and it worked like a charm... Updated the theme.conf to also use the icon-theme.

robin-thoene commented 11 months ago

I will investigate this after work and copy your theme.conf as well. Maybe there is a difference in that.

boredland commented 11 months ago

Maybe. Also I think the foot-theme needs some adaption. Perhaps you already figured that one out?

robin-thoene commented 11 months ago

I created a foot.ini in .config/foot and set it's content to the values from the official Dracula repo

boredland commented 11 months ago

Oh, nice.

robin-thoene commented 11 months ago

Still no luck, even using your theme.conf, but I can not try out using the AUR package darcula-gtk-theme as yay has an error when I try to install it:

No AUR package found for darcula-gtk-theme

boredland commented 11 months ago

Still no luck, even using your theme.conf, but I can not try out using the AUR package darcula-gtk-theme as yay has an error when I try to install it:

No AUR package found for darcula-gtk-theme

Oh, I just misspelled ;)

boredland commented 10 months ago

closing as we now have some stock themes that demo how theming could be done. its a rofi script Manjaro Sway Theme that will allow you to apply them.