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Kernels are reported as successfully installed when they aren't #125

Closed es20490446e closed 6 years ago

es20490446e commented 6 years ago


  1. Disconnect from the Internet.
  2. Open the application "Kernel".
  3. On any non installed kernel, click on the "install" button. Follow the screens.

RESULT: Eventually you reach to a screen that says that all changes were made successfully, but if you click on the link "show details" you actually can see that the installation failed.

Huluti commented 6 years ago

@Kirek @philmmanjaro I'm not very comfortable with C ++ but I've the impression that there are some inconsistencies in the ActionDialog.cpp file : Lines 146-149 :

if ( job->error() == 0 )
    jobDone( true, tr ( "Changes failed, click on 'Show Details' for more information" ) );
    jobDone( false, tr ( "Changes failed, click on 'Show Details' for more information" ) );

Why does two states (true, false) have the same message ?

Lines 179-194 :

if (success) {
  m_jobSuccesful = true;
  if (message != NULL)
    m_messageLabel-> setText(tr("Changes were made successfully"));
} else {
  m_jobSuccesful = false;
  if (message != NULL)
    m_messageLabel->setText(tr("Changes failed, click on 'Show Details' for more information"));

Why verify if message is not NULL and then not use it ?

I don't know if the problem is related with these code blocks but ...

es20490446e commented 6 years ago

Bugs I see:

  1. "if (message != NULL)" should be "if (message == NULL)".
  2. The variable "success" is true in cases where the command is failing.

Root cause: needs unit testing.

vfjpl commented 6 years ago

For me job->error() is returning 0 no matter what…

es20490446e commented 6 years ago

Where's "error()" declared?

vfjpl commented 6 years ago ?

es20490446e commented 6 years ago

In C++ conditionals aren't integers, but they have their own type.

So the line: if ( job->error() == 0 )

Should be: if (job->error())

vfjpl commented 6 years ago

No, I don't think so.( I have also tested this right now). if(job->error()) is the same as if(job->error() == true) or if(job->error() == 1). 0 is the same as false and 1 is the same as true. Also if you are returning error code it can be different than simply true or false so you have to have ability to differentiate. Also the documentation states that this function return int. int KJob::error()const (link above)

I think that however packets are installed in the job, that how they are installed simply return 0 regardless if they are installed or not. Or another thing is that the thing inside job fails but the job itself finishes successfully so the error code is zero.

I have already fixed the rest of the code(you can look at it there but now the problem is with error() returning 0.

Also I was not able to get the error for failed authorization. (please test)When I click cancel when it ask me about password then the message "Changes failed, click on 'Show Details' for more information" appear and the error code is different that 0. But when it fails to install because of no internet connection then the error code is 0.

es20490446e commented 6 years ago

With the Internet disconnected, if in the Terminal I enter: sudo pacman --sync --noconfirm cheese; echo $?

The return code is 1, with the same error messages than in the Kernel application. It is 0 however only if the package is already available in the system to install, but not already installed.

This discards the bug being in Pacman.

es20490446e commented 6 years ago

So the problematic line is:

auto job = qobject_cast<KAuth::ExecuteJob*>( kjob );

vfjpl commented 6 years ago

I did this but I still have the same problem. connect( kAuthJob, &KAuth::ExecuteJob::result, [this] ( KJob *kjob ) { if ( kjob->error() == 0 ) jobDone( true, tr ( "Changes were made successfully" ) ); else jobDone( false, tr ( "Changes failed, click on 'Show Details' for more information" ) ); } );

I think I found it. returning code from pacman is somewhat shaky.

es20490446e commented 6 years ago

I can't test it right now, but as I read the qobject cast isn't even necessary?

connect (kAuthJob, &KAuth::ExecuteJob::result, [this] (KJob *job) {
    if (job->error())  jobDone (false, tr ("Failed"));
    else               jobDone (true, tr ("Success"));
vfjpl commented 6 years ago

Please test v0.5.4-8 Please do extensive testing and write everything you observe.

es20490446e commented 6 years ago

Added to my todo list.

es20490446e commented 6 years ago

I can't do it myself right now because my Internet connection during holiday is minimal. Only after Christmas.

vfjpl commented 6 years ago

@es20490446e Any news?

es20490446e commented 6 years ago

Reading the above merge pull request, the fix would be available in next upgrade.

vfjpl commented 6 years ago

@es20490446e Fix for this was available in v0.5.4-8 by this Merge was done when no bug reports showed up. :)

vfjpl commented 6 years ago

@es20490446e what about your testing? Is it fixed for you? :)

es20490446e commented 6 years ago
