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Bug on MHWD Intel? #39

Open liberodark opened 6 years ago

liberodark commented 6 years ago


On Manjaro XFCE x64 17.0.5 fresh install. MHWD not install config file for Intel HD Graphic for what ? I had to create the file myself on 3 laptop. Intel Card tested : Skylake / Kaby Lake / Apollo Lake.


philmmanjaro commented 6 years ago

This is expected due @Tids, thoughts on that?

fabiscafe commented 6 years ago

Xorg-config file? This one is not needed for intel hardware as long as you just want the defaults (DRI3, SNA-Acceleration).

So without xorg.conf is the same as with:

Section "Device"
   Identifier  "Intel Graphics"
   Driver      "intel"
   Option      "AccelMethod"  "sna"
   Option      "DRI"          "3"

Of course, if you need to change something, you need to create a config file.

liberodark commented 6 years ago

Is needed for tearing and other bug

fabiscafe commented 6 years ago

@liberodark just create one for you. Thats not a general issue, but specific for your hardware combination(s). I never had any kind of tearing with Intel since Xorg 1.19 / DRI3 is active. on a few different systems. But i know there is a number of users that still suffer from this for different reasons.

the 2 main options we have is to add an xorg.conf with tearfree or kill the intel xorg driver and use modesettings, like ubuntu/fedora.

The disadvantage of the first one is that it will cost performance and/or battery life the disadvantage of the modesettings driver, well I dont know. Its a generic driver, so I think it will not support things like hardwareaccelerated video output (wich is weak anyways on intel-linux.

liberodark commented 6 years ago


I work with a lot of pc and I have access to pc very recent and also of current generation. And what you say is false it is not me but of all the pc that I tested. I can prove it to you when you want. In addition act thus slowed down the fact of being able to use manjaro on his laptop.


fabiscafe commented 6 years ago

Can you open freedesktop bugreports? Would be nice to get this fixed upstream, where it should be fixed and also test with modesettings xorg driver (just uninstall xf86-video-intel).

Are your systems intel only or hybrids? It would be nice to have some more informations (inxi -F). I really can not recreate any tearing.

Also @philmmanjaro whats the status on our shiny manjaro machine - Manjaro Spitfire? Is there any tearing visible?

liberodark commented 6 years ago

Is just intel and this config is a Lenovo IdeaPad but have try msi asus acer samsung and lenovo and is the same have finish wich hp. Have only proof for Intel chipset Apollo Lake / SkyLake / KabyLake. Atom / Pentium / i3 / i5. The better is chose install or not install configuration.


liberodark commented 6 years ago

Put yourself in the place of people who want linux on their pc I often advice manjaro. And if when it installs linux they have as much problem it will leave thinking that it is a bad system. So you just have to configure. But I love manjaro and the idea of simplicity that you convey. You can not make your installation more difficult. So I ask that this be revised and especially that we give the choice to the user. If it is a beginner it is normal that it wishes the simplest without configuring files of which it does not even know the name.

oberon-manjaro commented 6 years ago

@Tids on the Spitfire (HD Graphics 620 Kaby Lake GT2) we haven't seen any screen tearing. With intel-video there are issues with transparency in connection with latest xfwm4-gtk3 compositor, other than that we use modesetting with no issues except for some flickering, but that seems to be solved by disabling iommu in linux413.

liberodark commented 6 years ago

no have manjaro xfce GTK3

Strit commented 6 years ago

xfce-gtk3 is pretty unstable still though.

liberodark commented 6 years ago

another pc have tearing ! Acer ES1-512 corrected by config file created this new idea for remove config file from MHWD is not great :(

oberon-manjaro commented 6 years ago

@liberodark have you tried using modesetting without intel-video as @Tids and I suggested?