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Bug -- qt5ct errors out "SVGCleanerId_0 hasn't been detected!" #501

Open ryanmusante opened 6 years ago

ryanmusante commented 6 years ago

journalctl messages qt.svg: link SVGCleanerId_0 hasn't been detected! during execution of qt5ct and applications that are qt based

~ >>> qt5ct                                                                                                         
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
Configuration path: "/home/ryan/.config/qt5ct"
Shared QSS paths: ("/home/ryan/.local/share/qt5ct/qss", "/usr/local/share/qt5ct/qss", "/usr/share/qt5ct/qss")
Shared color scheme paths: ("/home/ryan/.local/share/qt5ct/colors", "/usr/local/share/qt5ct/colors", "/usr/share/qt5ct/colors")
qt5ct: updating settings..
qt.svg: link SVGCleanerId_0 hasn't been detected!
qt.svg: link SVGCleanerId_0 hasn't been detected!
qt.svg: link SVGCleanerId_0 hasn't been detected!
qt.svg: link SVGCleanerId_0 hasn't been detected!
qt.svg: link SVGCleanerId_0 hasn't been detected!