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manjaro-system-ng #156

Open udeved opened 7 years ago

udeved commented 7 years ago

If we default to manjaro-system-ng, we can drop sync first patch. @philmmanjaro @jonathonf

Should I proceed? I integrated pacman-init service in the manjaro-live-systemd package.

philmmanjaro commented 7 years ago

We should do this after v15.0.2 got released. There is no rush with it. However you can already integrate it to your development branch as I'll use v0.15.2 anyway.

udeved commented 7 years ago

Yes, I did already in devel iso profiles branch, and will push updated pacman.conf in mt files :)

We just need to make sure this doesn't go in other branches for some time.

We need to decide what we want to backport as hook from

I added the old script in the git repo, so any future update we want to handle automatically, we should do as hook. I have the stuff i mind which arch post update advise for.

We may be able to read their rss feed in our forum?

philmmanjaro commented 7 years ago

With the given tool-set we may need another branch like staging to hold those packages back. unstable is currently used to sync Arch packages and build ours if needed against those and not for adding new packages which changes the way the distro works.

Sure we can add those if needed, but a in-deep testing has to be done first. boxit simply has no option yet to blacklist packages within the snap function not to be moved to another branch.

Do we have a list of packages currently not to be moved to other branches?

udeved commented 7 years ago

The list is:

udeved commented 7 years ago

I basically made pacman arch upstream but manjaro branded, cleaned up the build. The pacman-init was moved to manjaro-live-systemd.

oberon-manjaro commented 7 years ago

Just yesterday I made little changes to the desktop-items script meant for the 17.0.2 release. However there shouldn't be a problem with forwarding the manjaro-live-skel package. It contains nothing manjaro-system-related as far as I can see.

philmmanjaro commented 7 years ago

@oberon2007: I noticed that change in regard of manjaro-live-skel. I see no problem with it.

@udeved: however I see some problems with the changes made in regard of manjaro-system-ng. I consider those to be part of v17.1 development, as they change the way our distro works. Those need to be tested first in a widely manner and therefore might be best to put them to staging, when I've created it. Else we may need to modify boxit to use a new blacklist for snap to hold those packages back. In the past I synced Arch-Stable to both of unstable and testing and only transfered our overlay packages manually over to testing. This created some instable testing branch when not all needed packages are synced for the end-user. Having an extra branch staging may avoid that.

udeved commented 7 years ago


Its been intended for 17.1 since a while. Atm, its does nothing more than updating keyring on archlinux or manjaro keyring packages update currently. I removed all other hooks, since there has not been a decision made.

philmmanjaro commented 7 years ago

Which hooks got removed? Please be more precise here.

udeved commented 7 years ago

udeved commented 7 years ago

Little proposal. We could deploy from mt with ng package, and export its path to the environment. Thus message function would be accessible by shell scripts, eg post_install, hooks, mt, whatever else.

philmmanjaro commented 7 years ago

@udeved: yes, why not. I've merged now almost all changes we made in unstable to testing now. These are the diffs as of now:

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core i686

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                      manjaro-system           20170406-5           20170606-1
                              pacman              5.0.1-8            5.0.2-0.4
                   manjaro-system-ng                    -           20170606-2

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core x86_64

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                      manjaro-system           20170406-5           20170606-1
                              pacman              5.0.1-8            5.0.2-0.4
                            linux412                    -            4.12rc4-1
                    linux412-headers                    -            4.12rc4-1
                   manjaro-system-ng                    -           20170606-2

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra i686

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                   manjaro-live-base           20170425-1           20170606-1
                 manjaro-live-openrc           20170425-1           20170606-1
           manjaro-live-portable-efi           20170425-1           20170606-1
                manjaro-live-systemd           20170425-1           20170606-1

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra x86_64

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                   manjaro-live-base           20170425-1           20170606-1
                 manjaro-live-openrc           20170425-1           20170606-1
           manjaro-live-portable-efi           20170425-1           20170606-1
                manjaro-live-systemd           20170425-1           20170606-1
                  linux412-acpi_call                    -            1.1.0-0.3
                   linux412-bbswitch                    -              0.8-0.3
                   linux412-catalyst                    -    1:15.201.1151-0.3
                linux412-ndiswrapper                    -             1.61-0.3
                     linux412-nvidia                    -         1:375.66-0.3
               linux412-nvidia-304xx                    -        1:304.134-0.3
                   linux412-nvidiabl                    -             0.88-0.3
                      linux412-r8168                    -         8.044.02-0.3
                  linux412-rt3562sta                    -
                        linux412-spl                    -
                   linux412-tp_smapi                    -             0.41-0.3
                linux412-vhba-module                    -         20161009-0.3
   linux412-virtualbox-guest-modules                    -           5.1.22-0.3
    linux412-virtualbox-host-modules                    -           5.1.22-0.3
                        linux412-zfs                    -

Since we had a lot of hooks, we have to see on how we implement them properly and if they are all needed.

udeved commented 7 years ago

I would also propose we build polkit, and integrate the manjaro.rules there. I didn't want to slap a polkit depend on ng package.

philmmanjaro commented 7 years ago

We can add it as optdepends :smile:

udeved commented 7 years ago

Yes, but its not good, because we deploy a file that should be owned by polkit package. PK is no biggie to build, lets do it properly. :)

udeved commented 7 years ago

I can do the build, but you would have to add PK to filters in boxit.

udeved commented 7 years ago

Looks like we already build polkit, fantastic. Will do the changes and move the rules there.

udeved commented 7 years ago

Alright @philmmanjaro

All proposals are done and implemented.

$ printenv

udeved commented 7 years ago

Aha, exporting just the custom path doesn't work to source it elsewhere. The path would have to be added to $PATH env var to make it work. Hmm...

philmmanjaro commented 7 years ago

I did another update in testing.

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core i686

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                      manjaro-system           20170406-5           20170606-1
                              pacman              5.0.1-8            5.0.2-0.4
                   manjaro-system-ng                    -           20170611-1

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository core x86_64

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                      manjaro-system           20170406-5           20170606-1
                              pacman              5.0.1-8            5.0.2-0.4
                            linux412                    -            4.12rc5-1
                    linux412-headers                    -            4.12rc5-1
                   manjaro-system-ng                    -           20170611-1

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra i686

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                   manjaro-live-base           20170425-1           20170606-1
                 manjaro-live-openrc           20170425-1           20170606-1
           manjaro-live-portable-efi           20170425-1           20170606-1
                manjaro-live-systemd           20170425-1           20170606-1
                              polkit  0.113+29+g3272a98-1  0.113+29+g3272a98-2

:: Different overlay package(s) in repository extra x86_64

                             PACKAGE              testing             unstable
                   manjaro-live-base           20170425-1           20170606-1
                 manjaro-live-openrc           20170425-1           20170606-1
           manjaro-live-portable-efi           20170425-1           20170606-1
                manjaro-live-systemd           20170425-1           20170606-1
                              polkit  0.113+29+g3272a98-1  0.113+29+g3272a98-2
                  linux412-acpi_call                    -            1.1.0-0.4
                   linux412-bbswitch                    -              0.8-0.4
                   linux412-catalyst                    -    1:15.201.1151-0.4
                linux412-ndiswrapper                    -             1.61-0.4
                     linux412-nvidia                    -         1:375.66-0.4
               linux412-nvidia-304xx                    -        1:304.134-0.4
                   linux412-nvidiabl                    -             0.88-0.4
                      linux412-r8168                    -         8.044.02-0.4
                  linux412-rt3562sta                    -
                        linux412-spl                    -
                   linux412-tp_smapi                    -             0.41-0.4
                linux412-vhba-module                    -         20161009-0.4
   linux412-virtualbox-guest-modules                    -           5.1.22-0.4
    linux412-virtualbox-host-modules                    -           5.1.22-0.4
                        linux412-zfs                    -
philmmanjaro commented 7 years ago

Current version of this can be found in our xperimental repo-branch. PKGBUILDs are in devel git-repo.

philmmanjaro commented 7 years ago

Due a Makefile issue we had a regression with this package. This is fixed now and pushed to xperimental. However, I don't know if a INIT is always needed when a keyring package changes. We may have to rethink the triggers ...