manjaro / release-plan

Roadmap for our Manjaro install media releases
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when the stable version 17.1 release? #175

Closed adaaaaaa closed 6 years ago

adaaaaaa commented 6 years ago

will it solve the boot problem?

Strit commented 6 years ago

What boot problem are you referring too?

And I believe that 17.1 will release after the pre-releases are done and tested.

adaaaaaa commented 6 years ago

img_20171123_232559 what's the problem? i am a newbee to linux...please help... @Strit

jonathonf commented 6 years ago

If you have an issue, please check the forum, and post there if you can't find anything that helps:

This repo/issues board is for discussions and issues surrounding the release plan and planning process.

adaaaaaa commented 6 years ago

found a solution.... change the display option to discrete graphics card...