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Add manjaro branding for refind #182

Closed Chrysostomus closed 6 years ago

Chrysostomus commented 6 years ago

I created the package refind-theme-maia, fork off refind-theme-regular. Enables itself automatically, but must be installed after refind is installed with refind-install.

Since refind is an option offered by manjaro-architect, I figured we could theme it like we theme grub. I'm thinking of making both themes part of the bootloader installation.

Suggestions and opinions are welcome. Is this a good idea? Is the theme acceptable?


Ste74 commented 6 years ago

For me all is ok .. don't like the wallpaper and .. maybe the manjaro logo is not a square ?

Chrysostomus commented 6 years ago

Manjaro icons can be squared. I could try using the same wallpaper as the grub theme, though single color background works best with different resolutions.

Chrysostomus commented 6 years ago


Looks like changing the wallpaper alone will not do. The text and some icons drown in the background, plus the background is not very sharp. Higher resolution image would be better....

Chrysostomus commented 6 years ago

Actually, the first screenshot ws faulty. Here is how it ws supposed to look:


Here is how it looks with higher resolution version of the grub background:


And here is alternative repurposed from lxde wallpaper:


Unselected icons are difficult to make stand out from that green criss cross part, as is text. The lxde alternative might be easier to work with.

Chrysostomus commented 6 years ago



Some more alternatives.

NuclearPhoenixx commented 6 years ago

Looks quite nice, I like it. The darker wallpapers look better than the other ones IMHO and it makes more sense in terms of readability of course.

Chrysostomus commented 6 years ago

Maybe a poll in forums would be in order?

Strit commented 6 years ago

This looks really awesome. Is there a guide somewhere on how to switch from Grub to refind? I would like to try this out on an existing system. 🙂

Chrysostomus commented 6 years ago

@Strit there is not really much to it. Refind also interacts nicely with grub. You need a uefi system. Just do as root:

 pacman -S refind-efi

To use this theme, install refind-theme-maia.

Refind has two configurations: refind.conf on esp and refind-linux.conf on /boot of individual linux installations. You can set kernel parameters for autodetected kernels there.

For readable documentation:

For thorough documentation:

oberon-manjaro commented 6 years ago

Wow, those look VERY COOL indeed!

Ste74 commented 6 years ago
