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Adopt XFCE-GTK3 #194

Open philmmanjaro opened 6 years ago

philmmanjaro commented 6 years ago

We already tested XFCE-GTK3 packages with our Project-SX. We should adopt those settings for Illyria also ...

oberon-manjaro commented 6 years ago

So would you support we drop gtk2 packages altogether and replace them with gtk3 series? Meaning they will become our new regular xfce packages?

NuclearPhoenixx commented 6 years ago

Definitely a good move to default to the gtk3 packages! I'm using all of the available ATM and have not seen any stability problems in the past couple of months. They are at least as stable as the gtk2 ones and gtk3 is obiously the future of XFCE.

Though, I'd not recommend removing any of the gtk2 packages as of yet.

oberon-manjaro commented 6 years ago

We have those two option for procedure:

@philmmanjaro what's the status with the multi-user session issue we had a while ago?

philmmanjaro commented 6 years ago

@oberon2007: I think the multiuser issue is still there. Also I recommend to use the gtk3 packages for now and use a scriplet or meta-package later on to merge to the original packages when they all adopted gtk3 at a later state.