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Hydration Warning #39

Open walleeva2018 opened 1 month ago

walleeva2018 commented 1 month ago

Hydration mismatch warning is given when any page is rendered


In NavbarItem Theme toggle button is a client only thing but is rendering in server as well

Easy Fix

Make the Theme toggle button a client only component and wrap it inside

I can make a PR fix if this issue seems legit

romangg commented 1 month ago

Analysis makes sense. Where is the hidration warning being shown? In the JavaScript console?

walleeva2018 commented 1 month ago

Analysis makes sense. Where is the hidration warning being shown? In the JavaScript console?


romangg commented 1 month ago

Sorry for late reply. I don't see the hydration warnings in the console. Can you tell me how to replicate the issue?

Strike that. Now I see them. It's only shown in dev mode.