mannynotfound / react-tweet

React.js component for rendering tweets as they are presented on
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Prettify all the code (ie run prettier) #33

Open sudarshang opened 6 years ago

sudarshang commented 6 years ago

I followed this blogpost to run prettier on this repo.

This was the command I used to run prettier

git filter-branch -f --tree-filter '\
    prettier --single-quote   \
    --trailing-comma es5 \
    --print-width=100 --write "**/**.js" || \
    echo “Error formatting, possibly invalid JS“' -- --all

I pushed the branch with the rewritted git history to my repo

Would you be interested in doing a force merge of that branch? I don't have any strong opinions about prettier options. If you want to use another set of options that would be totally fine with me. Since I started with prettier working without automated code formatting has become very difficult for me.

mannynotfound commented 6 years ago

hey @sudarshang im not seeing the changes on that branch? the latest commits are from myself

sudarshang commented 6 years ago

The git filter-branch command re-writes history. So there are no new commits on that branch. All the commits that have already happened have been rewritten to have the prettier auto formatting. If you git clone that repo into a separate directory you can run diff to see how the files have been changed.