manodeep / Corrfunc

⚡️⚡️⚡️Blazing fast correlation functions on the CPU.
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Bug when provided arrays have non native endiness #190

Closed Christopher-Bradshaw closed 4 years ago

Christopher-Bradshaw commented 4 years ago

General information

Issue description

I think that the changes around introduced a bug when the provided arrays are not of native endiness. I'm not an expert, but it looks like modifications to locals() may not be noticed by the interpreter (see I've confirmed by stepping through with pdb that this is the issue.

Expected behavior

The usual blazing fast counts :)

Actual behavior

RuntimeError with the message Declination should not be more than 180

Minimal failing example

import numpy as np
import Corrfunc

# My system is LittleEndian so create BigEndian arrays
cat = np.zeros(10, dtype=[("ra", ">f4"), ("dec", ">f4")])
cat["ra"] = np.random.random(10)
cat["dec"] = np.random.random(10)

res = Corrfunc.mocks.DDtheta_mocks(
    autocorr=True, nthreads=1, binfile=[0, 0.2], RA1=cat["ra"], DEC1=cat["dec"]

I'm happy to submit a PR to fix this, should just be a couple line change at the location I linked to.

manodeep commented 4 years ago

@Christopher-Bradshaw Thank you for reporting this issue! A PR with a fix will be very much appreciated. Looks like ll the other pair-counters also suffer from the same issue. If possible, will you please correct the other instances of _locals?

Christopher-Bradshaw commented 4 years ago

Sure think - I'll send in a PR in the next day or so :+1:

manodeep commented 4 years ago


manodeep commented 4 years ago

@Christopher-Bradshaw Will you confirm that your PR in #191 fixes this bug? If so, I will close this issue.

Thanks again!

Christopher-Bradshaw commented 4 years ago

That change works for me, though I have only tested DDtheta_mocks.

Thanks for your help!

manodeep commented 4 years ago

Stands to reason that if DDtheta_mocks is fixed, then all others are too.

Thanks again!

lgarrison commented 4 years ago

@Christopher-Bradshaw, thanks for catching this! This was my bug. I probably tested the locals() usage (which I agree is hacky) inside a Jupyter notebook, where it seems to work. But I agree it doesn't work inside a function.

As you saw in the diff where we introduced the bug, we did use to write out all the arrays twice, e.g.

X1, Y1, Z1, weights1, X2, Y2, Z2, weights2 = [convert_to_native_endian(arr, warn=True) for arr in [X1, Y1, Z1, weights1, X2, Y2, Z2, weights2]]

but this felt verbose and fragile, doubly so since some version of it is repeated in every kernel. Hence the attempt to change to locals().

I don't think there's a good way around this right now. But I also note that our kernels are collecting a lot of arguments (24 for DD). If we did move to a model where we captured arguments via DD(*args, **kwargs), we could easily process variables by name. I think the main trade-off is readability of the code.

Christopher-Bradshaw commented 4 years ago

Hey @lgarrison no worries. And I definitely understand why you tried this. As you say, neither method looks particularly good, and the one I reverted to definitely has the chance to have things get out of order.

Interesting that there is different behaviour between jupyter/intreactive sessions and the normal interpreter.