manoharys / VideoTube

Implemented dedicated video uploading site like YouTube using JavaScript, PHP, MySql which includes features such as video uploading, video server-side conversion, launch of video player, video thumbnail creation, liked and disliked video capabilities, comment system, edit video details, create account etc
MIT License
25 stars 10 forks source link

the sql is incomplete #4

Open koubaki opened 1 month ago

koubaki commented 1 month ago

the sql file misses some import tables like comments and subscriptions can you fix them @manoharys

konatelo commented 2 weeks ago

Hi can you upload videos? @koubaki

the sql file misses some import tables like comments and subscriptions can you fix them @manoharys

koubaki commented 2 weeks ago

Hi can you upload videos? @koubaki

the sql file misses some import tables like comments and subscriptions can you fix them @manoharys

The entire project is miscompleted, I found your new ticket and I'm sure no The author should have fixed all these