So I've followed the instructions of the file and recognized that the script wouldn't work for me (Ubuntu 16.04). There were 2 Issues on my side:
1) ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts is probably deprecated and hence no longer supported (?) -- see
2) I needed a XML Parser for Python which wasn't written down as a requirement.
To solve those Issues:
1) place the scripts in here: ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/ and don't forget to make it executable
2) type in: sudo apt install python2.7-lxml to download the XML-Parser
So I've followed the instructions of the file and recognized that the script wouldn't work for me (Ubuntu 16.04). There were 2 Issues on my side:
1) ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts is probably deprecated and hence no longer supported (?) -- see 2) I needed a XML Parser for Python which wasn't written down as a requirement.
To solve those Issues: 1) place the scripts in here: ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/ and don't forget to make it executable 2) type in: sudo apt install python2.7-lxml to download the XML-Parser