manolo / gwt-api-generator

Generator for creating GWT JSInterop clients from Polymer Web Components
Apache License 2.0
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GWTPolymer Elements 1.7.0 : Polymer.setGwtBowerLocation(""); missing #73

Closed GG200989 closed 7 years ago

GG200989 commented 7 years ago

Can you please help me with generating gwt widget out of my custom web component? I tried using @JsType(isNative=true) public interface MyAppElement {

@JsOverlay public static final String TAG = "mba-app";

// @JsOverlay public static final String SRC = "my-app/mba-app.html";

@JsOverlay public static final String SRC = "my-app/mba-app.html";


but it is unable to find my html element.

Thanks, Gaurav

GG200989 commented 7 years ago

Also, can you give link to generate gwt element/widgets using my custom web components, one I can see as gwt-api-generator. any example would be very helpful.

Thanks, Gaurav

manolo commented 7 years ago

Have your read ?

Also you can take a look to this demo example to see how to use 3rd party elements not included with the gwt-polymer-elements bundle.

Bug basically, you only have to install your element locally and run the generator.

$ bower install github_user/element-name#master
$ gwt-api-generator

Closing this issue since it's not a bug, feel free to ask here or in gitter vaadin elements chat