manolofdez / AsyncBluetooth

A small library that adds concurrency to CoreBluetooth APIs.
MIT License
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peripheral.setNotifyValue(Bool, forCharacteristicWithCBUUID:) method never responds #58

Closed Dan1973KS closed 1 month ago

Dan1973KS commented 1 month ago

Hi Manolo!

Thanks for silencing the compiler set to "strict concurrency check enabled" with the latest update!

Now as I delve deeper into the topic, I wanna write to characteristics. The above method looks really concise and convenient to achieve this goal. Before calling it, I ensured that the peripheral and the aimed characteristic are really present by discovering them manually. Although your method will do it anyway if necessary... But this function never returns - throws no error either.

Please help - thanks in advance!

manolofdez commented 1 month ago

Hi! The peripheral.setNotifyValue will enable/disable notifications for a characteristic, so whenever it changes you get the value through the characteristicValueUpdatedPublisher. If you want to write to a characteristic, look into Peripheral.writeValue:

try await peripheral.writeValue(
    forCharacteristicWithUUID: UUID(uuidString: "")!,
    ofServiceWithUUID: UUID(uuidString: "")!
Dan1973KS commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your quick response. What you described above is exactly what I did. You mentioned it already in the "readme" file... Here is my code:

await peripheral.characteristicValueUpdatedPublisher .filter { $0.cbCharacteristic.uuid == self.commandResponseUUID } .map { try? $0.parsedValue() as Data? } .sink { value in print("Value updated to (String(describing: value))") } .store(in: &cancellables)

try await peripheral.setNotifyValue(true, forCharacteristicWithCBUUID: commandResponseUUID, ofServiceWithCBUUID: serviceUUID)

print("Set notify to true")

When executing it never reaches the last print statement. Maybe you're missing the delegate method peripheral(_:didUpdateNotificationStateFor:error:) in your framework? In case something went wrong, no error will be thrown, right...!?

Dan1973KS commented 1 month ago

Sorry, Manolo! I found out that I simply missed the do-catch-block in order to receive the appropriate error. And I found the "missing" delegate method as well in your file! Thank you so much for your patience...