Your example to get notified by characteristics looks like this:
await peripheral.characteristicValueUpdatedPublisher
.filter { $0.uuid == self.commandResponseUUID }
.map { try? $0.parsedValue() as Data? }
.sink { value in
.store(in: &cancellables)
When I implement it in an observable object using Swift 5 language mode it works fine!
When I do the same in Swift 6 mode, the debugger reports a runtime warning that .sink is not called on MainActor:
warning: data race detected: @MainActor function at ProGo_Konnekt/Notifier.swift:45 was not called on the main thread
Here is the caller from your framework:
func peripheral(_ cbPeripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
Task {
if characteristic.isNotifying {
await self.context.characteristicValueUpdatedSubject.send(Characteristic(characteristic))
I guess that most of the subscribers will be on MainActor.
So could it make sense to report the value updates on main thread?
Your example to get notified by characteristics looks like this:
await peripheral.characteristicValueUpdatedPublisher .filter { $0.uuid == self.commandResponseUUID } .map { try? $0.parsedValue() as Data? } .sink { value in print(value) } .store(in: &cancellables)
When I implement it in an observable object using Swift 5 language mode it works fine! When I do the same in Swift 6 mode, the debugger reports a runtime warning that .sink is not called on MainActor: warning: data race detected: @MainActor function at ProGo_Konnekt/Notifier.swift:45 was not called on the main thread
Here is the caller from your framework: func peripheral(_ cbPeripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) { Task { if characteristic.isNotifying { await self.context.characteristicValueUpdatedSubject.send(Characteristic(characteristic)) } (...)
I guess that most of the subscribers will be on MainActor. So could it make sense to report the value updates on main thread?