The result is "TypeError: sequence item 1: expected str instance, Feed found". The error is in line 187 of where code is:
"msg = ''.join(["I cannot sync ", feed, " just now: ", feed.wentwrong])"
and code should be:
"msg = ''.join(["I cannot sync ",, " just now: ", feed.wentwrong])"
This code path is only run when there is an error with the XML so seeing this error is rare. The test case has the error
"document declared as us-ascii, but parsed as utf-8" which is already listed as an issue
Please make this change in the code. I have been using this change for the last week with no issues and I have 48 feeds.
test case 'greg check -u'
The result is "TypeError: sequence item 1: expected str instance, Feed found". The error is in line 187 of where code is: "msg = ''.join(["I cannot sync ", feed, " just now: ", feed.wentwrong])"
and code should be: "msg = ''.join(["I cannot sync ",, " just now: ", feed.wentwrong])"
This code path is only run when there is an error with the XML so seeing this error is rare. The test case has the error "document declared as us-ascii, but parsed as utf-8" which is already listed as an issue
Please make this change in the code. I have been using this change for the last week with no issues and I have 48 feeds.