manticoresoftware / columnar

Manticore Columnar Library
Apache License 2.0
82 stars 13 forks source link


Closed itaginsexordium closed 1 year ago

itaginsexordium commented 1 year ago

Faced such a problem that when I have an open client for a long time, the manticore crashes on a search query and does not respond to sql queries, sometimes the processor is loaded into the ceiling. I was looking for what the problem was for a very long time, but now I was able to catch the following crash log in the logs on my kube.

[Wed May 17 12:12:34.723 2023] [40] [BUDDY] restart amount of attempts (3) has been exceeded    
[Wed May 17 12:13:14.526 2023] [38] preread 2 tables in 40.321 sec    
------- FATAL: CRASH DUMP -------    
[Wed May 17 18:35:25.437 2023] [    1]    

--- crashed SphinxQL request dump ---    
INSERT I%comments�4(ache` (`�4(0�4( $ G4(    
--- request dump end ---    
--- local index:���@(p�>(    
Manticore 6.0.4 1a3a4ea82@230314 (columnar 2.0.4 5a49bd7@230306) (secondary 2.0.4 5a49bd7@230306)    
Handling signal 6    
-------------- backtrace begins here ---------------    
Program compiled with Clang 15.0.4    
Built on Linux aarch64 for Linux x86_64 (focal)    
Stack bottom = 0x7f2836287620, thread stack size = 0x20000    
Trying manual backtrace:    
Something wrong with thread stack, manual backtrace may be incorrect (fp=0x1)    
Wrong stack limit or frame pointer, manual backtrace failed (fp=0x1, stack=0x7f2836290000, stacksize=0x20000)    
Trying system backtrace:    
begin of system symbols:    
searchd(_Z12sphBacktraceib 0x22a)[0x55b6f83b316a]    
searchd(_ZN11CrashLogger11HandleCrashEi 0x355)[0x55b6f8276715]    
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x14420)[0x7f2840bd2420]    
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0xcb)[0x7f2840a0f00b]    
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x12b)[0x7f28409ee859]    
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x8d26e)[0x7f2840a5926e]    
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x952fc)[0x7f2840a612fc]    
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 0x96fac)[0x7f2840a62fac]    
/usr/share/manticore/modules/ 0x20cb97)[0x7f284062cb97]    
/usr/share/manticore/modules/ 0x20cc89)[0x7f284062cc89]    
/usr/share/manticore/modules/ 0x5912ec)[0x7f28409b12ec]    
/usr/share/manticore/modules/ 0x591215)[0x7f28409b1215]    
searchd(_ZNK9RtIndex_c15WriteAttributesER21SaveDiskDataContext_tR10CSphString 0xcc3)[0x55b6f865d9d3]    
searchd(_ZNK9RtIndex_c12SaveDiskDataEPKcRK11VecTraits_TI17CSphRefcountedPtrIK11RtSegment_tEERK12ChunkStats_tR10CSphString 0x16e)[0x55b6f865f48e]    
searchd(_ZN9RtIndex_c13SaveDiskChunkEbbb 0x5c7)[0x55b6f865b557]    
searchd(_ZZN7Threads11CoRoutine_c13CreateContextESt8functionIFvvEE11VecTraits_TIhEENUlN5boost7context6detail10transfer_tEE_8__invokeES9_ 0x1c)[0x55b6f8b7f19c]    
searchd(make_fcontext 0x37)[0x55b6f8b9dec7]    
Trying boost backtrace:    

I saw something similar in the main manticore repository:

sanikolaev commented 1 year ago

@itaginsexordium is testing it in a newer version

itaginsexordium commented 1 year ago

@itaginsexordium is testing it in a newer version

Good time. I switched to the dev version following the advice from the telegram chat , it seems to be working stably now