Open aj-potc opened 4 months ago
docker run --rm -d --name mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysecret -p 9307:3306 mariadb
docker logs -f mariadb 2>&1|grep -qm1 "ready for connections"
cat <<'EOF' > multi.conf
source min {
type = mysql
sql_host =
sql_user = root
sql_pass = mysecret
sql_port = 9307
sql_db = test
sql_query = select id from t
sql_attr_multi = uint m from query; select 1, 1
index idx {
path = idx
source = min
mysql -P9307 -h0 -u root -pmysecret -e "create database test"
docker exec -i mariadb mariadb -uroot -pmysecret test < t.sql
indexer -c multi.conf idx
snikolaev@dev2:~$ docker logs mariadb 2>&1|tail -1
2024-07-22 6:43:11 13 [Warning] Aborted connection 13 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error writing communication packets)
is here
Expected: no Aborted connection
Reproduced in Manticore 6.3.3 fb447b264@24071413 dev (columnar 2.3.1 42f2b06@24070110) (secondary 2.3.1 42f2b06@24070110) (knn 2.3.1 42f2b06@24070110)
Bug Description:
The Bug
Originally posted here:
I’m using a MariaDB query as the data source for the Manticore indexer. My source config contains a multi-value field of type sql_attr_multi, which causes my MariaDB database to throw the following warning when the indexer starts building (or rebuilding) a table:
[Warning] Aborted connection 11 to db: 'dbname' user: 'user' host: 'localhost' (Got an error writing communication packets)
I first suspected this error is related to a query that is running too long. However, the warning appears at the very beginning of the indexing process. And the process finishes without any errors reported on the Manticore side.I turned on verbose query logging in MariaDB, and I see something very odd. The indexer is executing three queries:
It starts by connecting to MariaDB and running the SQL query in the sql_query config parameter (which I labeled above as “Main SQL query”). Immediately after – and without correctly terminating that connection – it aborts and connects again to run the query contained in the sql_attr_multi parameter. That session is ended correctly. Finally, the indexer connects one last time and runs the sql_query, allowing that query to run to completion.
So, we have three Connects, and just two Quits, which explains the MariaDB warning.
As I mentioned, I get no errors in Manticore, and the generated table seems to work properly. But on the MariaDB side, the query log shows an error for that first aborted query:
2024-06-17 20:47:05 user[user] @ localhost [] ERROR 1160: Got an error writing communication packets : [Main SQL query]
If I comment out the sql_attr_multi parameter in my config, the warning goes away, and just a single query is sent to MariaDB. I’ve been able to reproduce this behavior on several systems.
Steps to reproduce
Run MariaDB:
snikolaev@dev2:~$ docker run -d --name mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysecret -p 9307:3306 mariadb
Create a test database:
snikolaev@dev2:~$ mysql -P9307 -h0 -u root -pmysecret -e "create database test"
Populate it with data: In the database called test, let’s create a table with some “realistic” data:We can use a procedure to generate the data. I chose to create 100,000 rows.
Set up the Manticore config:
Tail the MariaDB log:
snikolaev@dev2:~$ docker logs mariadb 2>&1|tail -2
Rotate the index:
snikolaev@dev2:~$ indexer -c min_multi2.conf --rotate --print-queries idx
The errors I reported above will appear.
Manticore Search Version:
Operating System Version:
Rocky Linux 9
Have you tried the latest development version?
Internal Checklist:
To be completed by the assignee. Check off tasks that have been completed or are not applicable.