Open sanikolaev opened 2 years ago
What are the current limitations?
user can not manage indexes \ cluster from Kibana UI as searchd provide only dummy replies.
Search with nested aggregations does not work.
There could be some more requests that daemon failed to parse or returns wrong reply
I just discovered manticore and am very curious about it. But I need Kibana. Has any progress been made on this integration/any estimate of when it might be done?
Has any progress been made on this integration/any estimate of when it might be done?
Yes, we've made great progress on this integration, but unfortunately it's still in an active development stage. In particular we've been working actively on adapting Elasticsearch aggregation capabilities to Manticore which is essential for the integration with Kibana. Unfortunately, we won't make it to the upcoming release we are doing soon, but hopefully we'll have something to check out in a month or so.
thank you for the feedback @sanikolaev. against which version of kibana are you working on? last time I tried manticore search on a recent kibana version 7.17.10 and 8.8.2 it was complaining about manticore search not being a compatible elasticsearch product and thus failing to launch completely.
We are testing against 7.6.0.
That's great that you're working on es aggregations!
May I suggest using the latest version of kibana for testing? 7.6 is both 3.5 years old and not even the latest major version (8.x).
The changes to the elastic license probably dont really affect most manticore users - my understanding is it just stops you from starting something that competes with elastic cloud (like aws elasticsearch service did).
Hello! Is there any progress with integration with Kibana? We're looking for a replacement for ES as a log storage, but any other dashboards otheer than Kibana are pretty unusable.
There's progress, but the work is not publicly available yet due to dependencies on some other things that are being implemented. We hope to make it all available for testing soon.
Any news?
Any news?
Yes. This task has been blocked by the work related with improving date/time functions in Manticore -
That's now done and we are getting back to this task soon.
I remember @nickchomey and a few others in the Public Slack were interested in beta-testing the new functionality. We'll ping you guys as soon as we have something to give you. Hope it will happen soon.
I'd like to join kibana integration beta-testing :slightly_smiling_face:
I've built the package for testing. You could grab it from here and test integration.
I've built the package for testing. You could grab it from here and test integration.
Thanks. Let's prepare a better instruction for beta-testers, so it's clear how to install the beta version.
seems @timestamp
field handling got changed that breaks the Logstash integration
curl localhost:9308/cli -d 'create table test(@timestamp text)'
curl localhost:9308/_bulk -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" -d '
{ "index" : {"_index":"test"} }
{"@timestamp": "a"}
[{"total":0,"warning":"","error":"row 1, column 1: string expected"}]
should be fixed at the master head
@Nick-S-2018 As discussed, reassining to you to continue working on the project from the Buddy's standpoint. Here's an updated instruction how to set up Kibana + Manticore + Elasticsearch + HAproxy + Mitmproxy:
Testing Kibana
# Schema
kibana @5601 -> haproxy @9201 -> mitm @19308 (UI @29308) -> manticore @9308
-> mitm @19200 (UI @29200) -> elastic @9200
apt -y update
apt -y install mysql-client php php-mysql jq
# Init .screenrc
cat << EOF > ~/.screenrc
caption always "%{= 45}%{+b w}Screen: %n | %h %=%t"
hardstatus alwayslastline "%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%<"
shell -/bin/bash
# Install and start Manticore normally
# Install mitmproxy
tar -xvf mitmproxy-10.2.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
# Run Elasticsearch
mkdir es_data && chmod 777 es_data
docker run --name elasticsearch --rm -e discovery.type=single-node -v $(pwd)/es_data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data --network=host
# Run haproxy
cat << EOF > haproxy_kibana.cfg
log stdout format raw local0
log global
mode http
frontend esms
bind *:9201
default_backend manticore
acl idx path_beg /. /_
use_backend elasticsearch if idx
backend manticore
server manti
backend elasticsearch
server es
docker run -v $(pwd)/haproxy_kibana.cfg:/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg --network=host haproxy:2.6.5
# Run mitmproxy for Elasticsearch
./mitmproxy --mode reverse:http://localhost:9200 -p 19200
# Alternatively, run mitmweb
# ./mitmweb --web-host --web-port 29200 --mode reverse:http://localhost:9200 -p 19200
# Open http://<host>:29200
# Run mitmproxy for Manticore
./mitmproxy --mode reverse:http://localhost:9308 -p 19308
# Alternatively, run mitmweb
# ./mitmweb --web-host --web-port 29308 --mode reverse:http://localhost:9308 -p 19308
# Open http://<host>:29308
# Install and start Manticore normally
wget && \
sudo dpkg -i manticore-dev-repo.noarch.deb && \
sudo apt -y update && \
sudo apt -y install manticore manticore-extra manticore-common manticore-server manticore-server-core manticore-tools manticore-executor manticore-buddy manticore-backup manticore-columnar-lib manticore-server-core-dbgsym manticore-tools-dbgsym manticore-columnar-lib-dbgsym manticore-icudata-65l manticore-galera manticore-galera-dbgsym
# Run Kibana through the proxy
@sanikolaev Why such a complicated setup? Can I just run manticore / kibana in compose without all this?
Can Kibana v8.x be used?
@gaby That's a temporary setup for development. Of course when we are done with the integration you'll be able to just point Kibana to Manticore. But we are not there yet. Still some work left until we can announce that.
@sanikolaev Thanks for the explanation, looking forward to this! 💪
Blocked by
Was blocked by, which is fixed now.
the #2064 is fixed in the master head
Blocked by
Blocked by
The support for Kibana visualizations is implemented in
Looks good for me now
Manticore can work with Kibana like this:
If all went well you should see:
But it has some limitations. This task is to complete this integration.