mantidproject / conda-recipes

Conda recipes for mantidproject packages
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submit recipes to conda-forge? #13

Open yxqd opened 7 years ago

yxqd commented 7 years ago

Migrate dependencies first and then mantid-framework

beenje commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the recipes. I work at ESS and maintain a jupyterhub instance. I've included the mantid-framework in the notebook image we use.

I use many packages from conda-forge and start having issues with dependencies because of the versions pinned when building mantid-framework (for example hdf5 set to 1.8.18). I think moving the recipes to conda-forge would make things much easier to maintain.

I actually just created 2 PRs for poco and nexus:

If they get accepted then all mantid dependencies should be available in conda-forge. We could then maybe look at moving mantid-framework there as well.

beenje commented 5 years ago

poco and nexus are now available in conda-forge:

Would you be interested in creating a feedstock for mantid on conda-forge?

marshallmcdonnell commented 4 years ago

@beenje sorry for delay but yes, this is a work in progress. Thanks!

@peterfpeterson :point_up:

marshallmcdonnell commented 4 years ago

@beenje sorry for the long delay but we finally moved over to your nexus and poco that are in conda-forge (thanks so much for this!).

The packages should be ready in the mantid-framwork anaconda channel tonight for python 3.6 and 3.7.

Are you still maintaining jupyterhub instance with mantid-framework in the notebook image? Still interested in this package?

beenje commented 4 years ago

Hello. Yes, I'm still interested. That's good to hear!

Are you willing to submit mantid to conda-forge?

Btw, someone else got poco accepted before me :-)

marshallmcdonnell commented 4 years ago


Btw, someone else got poco accepted before me :-)

Ha, sorry to hear they beat you to it, we still appreciate it!

Are you willing to submit mantid to conda-forge?

I'm not sure. I'd like to try but the way the "nightly" release gets posted via a bot updating the meta.yaml would need to be changed over. I have not yet tried to put anything into conda-forge so would take a little time to figure that out. The way I read, we would have to re-configure the bot to somehow update the versions for us on conda-forge from the docs to "Bumping the version number and checksum." Not sure how this will work, don't want to make that a manual task. Any advice would be great! I might try out one of my other packages for conda-forge first before diving into this one.

Thanks for the continued interest! The new packages for the framework from 5/06 on will be the "new" recipe (hence now only supporting py36 and py37) that uses poco and nexus from conda-forge

NOTE: I assume you only want the framework and not the workbench package. I am still trying to get the workbench recipe to build so that is not ready yet.

beenje commented 4 years ago

Ha, sorry to hear they beat you to it, we still appreciate it!

Less maintenance for me :-)

Are you willing to submit mantid to conda-forge?

I'm not sure. I'd like to try but the way the "nightly" release gets posted via a bot updating the meta.yaml would need to be changed over.

I'm not sure conda-forge is well suited for nightly. I'd recommend to keep nightly builds as today. But stable releases could maybe be on conda-forge.

I have not yet tried to put anything into conda-forge so would take a little time to figure that out. The way I read, we would have to re-configure the bot to somehow update the versions for us on conda-forge from the docs to "Bumping the version number and checksum." Not sure how this will work, don't want to make that a manual task. Any advice would be great! I might try out one of my other packages for conda-forge first before diving into this one.

conda-forge has an autotick-bot that should detect new releases of the source repo (PyPI or github...) and automatically creates a PR. The PR has to be reviewed and merged manually by one of the maintainer of the recipe. Again this is for tagged version.

If you are interested in having stable versions on conda-forge, I could help. I could prepare a PR to get the recipe in conda-forge.

Thanks for the continued interest! The new packages for the framework from 5/06 on will be the "new" recipe (hence now only supporting py36 and py37) that uses poco and nexus from conda-forge

Will try that package as soon as I have some time.

NOTE: I assume you only want the framework and not the workbench package. I am still trying to get the workbench recipe to build so that is not ready yet.

I don't use mantid myself. I provide tools to others :-) Maybe @nvaytet could answer to that.

DanNixon commented 4 years ago

Note that there is also, if you want to get something on conda-forge this would be the best starting point.

The recipe above is just the framework built with up to date dependencies (although without the questionable amount of boilerplate this repo contains).

marshallmcdonnell commented 3 years ago

Sorry, just an update. We did update the conda recipes here to reflect what @DanNixon created. Also, further updates have been added to help support the Mac OS builds by @OwenArnold (PR #55)

I do still like they idea of using conda-forge but still haven't had time to figure out the nightly builds. Yet, solving Issue #50 may help us navigate this.