Create a remote algorithm for use at ISIS to control (submit, monitor, cancel, etc.) tomographic reconstruction jobs on the SCARF cluster (
The SCARF cluster uses the LSF scheduling system. It is possible to interact with the job scheduler via ssh login, the interactive portal (, and a web service. The algorithm to implement here should provide several actions, using the web service as underlying mechanism:
log in/out
submit a job
query the jobs in the queue and their status
cancel a job
At present this algorithm could submit 'savu' or 'imat_recon_FBP' jobs. This runs the 'savu' tool produced at Diamond LS, and tomopy, respectively. The inputs required include (with variations...):
directory with input FITS image files
an NXtomo input file
a nexus file with the list (specification not available as yet)
output directory
We also assume that we have somewhere to put the files on SCARF (currently it's /work/imat/ for the imat project).
Original Reporter: John Hill
This ticket is blocks :
TRAC10564,TRAC11064,TRAC11122Create a remote algorithm for use at ISIS to control (submit, monitor, cancel, etc.) tomographic reconstruction jobs on the SCARF cluster (
The SCARF cluster uses the LSF scheduling system. It is possible to interact with the job scheduler via ssh login, the interactive portal (, and a web service. The algorithm to implement here should provide several actions, using the web service as underlying mechanism:
At present this algorithm could submit 'savu' or 'imat_recon_FBP' jobs. This runs the 'savu' tool produced at Diamond LS, and tomopy, respectively. The inputs required include (with variations...):
We also assume that we have somewhere to put the files on SCARF (currently it's /work/imat/ for the imat project).