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Fix and Speed up project saving #15602

Closed NickDraper closed 7 years ago

NickDraper commented 8 years ago

Fix and Speed up project saving

sub tickets

NickDraper commented 8 years ago

Specific notes from unscripted testing:

1D plot: quite good, retained zooming errors and text lables. Waterfall plot: retaind appearance, but lost water fall plot option boxes 2D plot: lost arrows and lines (2D would probably too as well), Lost axis scaling and colour bar log and scaling qtiplot table: good 3D plot basic recreation ok

samueljackson92 commented 8 years ago

Some more notes on this:

samueljackson92 commented 8 years ago

I'm still currently working on #16719. I've managed to wrangle Mantid so that we can actually test loading and saving automatically. This afternoon I got serious with unscripted testing and manually ran though a whole bunch of scenarios. I've compiled a list of tests below and noted what does/doesn't work. I'm sure there's even more cases which have been missed, but we can add to it as they are found.

All of the below were carried out on Mac OSX 10.11.5 (El Capitan).

No. Description Pass/Fail Notes Tickets
1 Save project with workspaces without plotting Pass
2 1D plot with a single spectrum plotted Pass Plot appears on original monitor (yet was positioned on second). #16960
3 1D plot with very long workspace name Fail Mantid crashes #16146
4 1D plot with multiple spectra plotted from the same workspace Pass
5 1D plot with axis labels changed Pass
6 1D plot with title changed Pass
7 1D plotting with two separate plots from two different workspaces Pass
8 1D plot with zooming applied. Pass
9 1D plot with error bars Pass
10 1D plot with resized window Fail Plot appears back at the expanded size, but the bottom of the plot is cut off. It looks like the window is resized to be the maximum allowed by the screen, but the plot itself retains the saved size. The option “Rescale to show all” is a work around for now. #16960
11 A single 1D plot with two spectra from different workspaces. Pass
12 1D plot with logarithmic axes Pass
13 1D plot with font formatting changed Pass
14 1D plot with plot colours changed Pass
15 1D plot with scaled axes Pass
16 1D plot with legend moved Pass
17 1D plot with label Pass
18 1D plot with arrow Fail Arrow disappears when reloaded #16960
19 1D plot with timestamp Pass
20 1D plot hide axes Pass
21 Waterfall plot with 5 spectra Fail Plot and styling retained, but the options on the top of the plot are lost. #16960
22 Waterfall plot with 5 spectra and fill, reverse, and offsets applied Pass
23 2D basic plot Pass
24 2D plot with log colour axis Fail Logarithmic colour axis is not retained when the plot is reloaded #16960
25 2D plot with axis scaling applied Pass
26 2D plot with contour lines Pass
27 2D plot with custom colour map Fail Does not restore the custom colour map. Appears to use something other than the default colour map. #16960
28 2D plot hide axes Pass If the colour bar is hidden it will reappear after being loaded. This could be a bug or a design choice. #16960
29 2D plot with label Pass
30 2D plot with arrow Fail Arrow is present, but is in wrong location #16960
31 2D plot with timestamp Pass
32 3D plot basic Pass
33 3D plot w/wo frame Pass
34 3D plot with different formatting Pass
35 3D plot with animation Fail Animation is not reapplied after loading #16964
36 3D plot with log axis Fail Log axis is not retained after load #16964
37 3D plot with axis formatting Pass
38 3D plot with legend Pass
39 QtiPlot table basic Pass
40 QtiPlot table with statistics from column Pass
41 QtiPlot table sort columns Pass
42 QtiPlot table rename columns Pass
43 QtiPlot table clear some values Pass
44 QtiPlot table with plot of column Pass
45 Matrix workspace view (single) Pass The X/Y/E tab being viewed is not currently retained, but this isn’t a huge issue. #16965
46 Matrix workspace view (multiple) Pass
47 Resized matrix workspace Pass
48 Modify matrix workspace cell width Pass
49 Script Window script contents are saved Pass Modified scripts do not register as a modification of the project, but scripts are saved anyway. Output of script is lost, but this is not necessarily essential.
50 Script Window with multiple scripts open Pass
51 Instrument view state is saved Fail View is reopened, but all options etc. are lost. #16962
52 Slice viewer state is saved Fail Nothing is saved #16961
53 Spectrum viewer state is saved Fail Nothing is saved #16963
54 Saving with the script window open and reopening Fail Script window opens with duplicates of the same files open. #17060
NickDraper commented 7 years ago

Enough of this is done to close the umbrella ticket for this release