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Add methods to find consistent UBs and optimise goniometer axes and angles in ISIS single-crystal classes #37599

Open RichardWaiteSTFC opened 1 week ago

RichardWaiteSTFC commented 1 week ago

Description of work

This PR adds 2 features:

Fixes #35713 - albeit with different solution (doesn't change FindGoniometerFromUB algorithm) Fixes #36907

Further detail of work

To test:

(1) To test making a set of consistent UBs

from mantid.simpleapi import *
import numpy as np
from Diffraction.single_crystal.sxd import SXD

sxd = SXD(detcal_path="SXD34330_peaks_detcal.xml")

omega = [-45.0, 10.0, 10.0]
chi = [-38.0, -38.0, 0.0]
runs = list(range(34363,34366))

pk_ws_list = []
for irun, run in enumerate(runs):
    ws = sxd.load_run(run)
    SetGoniometer(Workspace=ws, Axis0=str(omega[irun])+',0,1,0,1',Axis1=str(chi[irun]) + ',1,0,0,-1')
    peaks_ws = sxd.find_sx_peaks(ws, PeakFindingStrategy="IOverSigma", NCols=7, NRows=7, NFWHM=6, ThresholdIoverSigma=15)
    sxd.remove_peaks_on_detector_edge(peaks_ws, 1)
    # set goniometer on peaks workspace for later use
    SetGoniometer(Workspace=peaks_ws, Axis0=str(omega[irun])+',0,1,0,1',Axis1=str(chi[irun]) + ',1,0,0,-1')

# optimise set of consistent UBs independently (could also use FindGlobalBMatrix)
iref = len(omega) - 1 # use last workspace
FindUBUsingFFT(PeaksWorkspace=pk_ws_list[iref], MinD=1, MaxD=20, DegreesPerStep=0.5)
for irun, peaks in enumerate(pk_ws_list):
    sxd.find_consistent_ub(pk_ws_list[iref], peaks, hkl_tol=0.15)
    predicted_peaks = PredictPeaks(InputWorkspace=peaks, WavelengthMin=0.3, MinDSpacing=1, ReflectionCondition='Primitive', 
                                   OutputWorkspace=peaks + '_indep_predicted', EnableLogging=False)
    print("ub of ", peaks)
    print(np.round(predicted_peaks.sample().getOrientedLattice().getUB(),3))  # should be very similar but not quite the same

The UBs should be very similar but maybe the 2nd or 3rd decimal point will be different.

(2) Optimise the goniometer axis and angles

axes, angles = SXD.optimize_goniometer_axis(pk_ws_list, iaxis=1, euler_axes="yz", fix_angles=False)

print("axes = ", np.round(axes,2))
# axes =  [[ 0.    1.    0.  ]
#          [-1.    0.   -0.04]]

print("angles = ", np.round(angles,2))
# angles =  [[-45.   -40.41]
#            [ 10.   -40.56]
#            [ 10.     0.76]]


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