mantidproject / mslice

Source code for Mantid MSlice
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Generated script causes error on Load #932

Closed SilkeSchomann closed 11 months ago

SilkeSchomann commented 12 months ago

Describe the bug A script generated by MSlice causes an error when executing the Load command.

To Reproduce

Run the following script:

# import mantid algorithms, numpy and matplotlib
from mantid.simpleapi import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Python Script Generated by Mslice on 2023-09-12 11:17:56
import mslice.cli as mc
import mslice.plotting.pyplot as plt

ws_MAR21335_Ei60meV = mc.Load(Filename='C:\\Users\\eoc57742\\MSLICE550\\MAR21335_Ei60meV.nxs', OutputWorkspace='MAR21335_Ei60meV')

fig = plt.gcf()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="mslice")
cut_ws_0 = mc.Cut(ws_MAR21335_Ei60meV, CutAxis="|Q|,0.0,10.0,0.04", IntegrationAxis="DeltaE,-5.0,5.0,0.0", NormToOne=False, IntensityCorrection=False, SampleTemperature=None)
ax.errorbar(cut_ws_0, label="MAR21335_Ei60meV -5.00<E<5.00", color="#1f77b4", marker="o", ls="-", lw=1.5)

from mslice.cli.helperfunctions import hide_a_line_and_errorbars, append_visible_handle_and_label
from mslice.util.compat import legend_set_draggable

# hide lines, errorbars, and legends
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
visible_handles = []
visible_labels = []

append_visible_handle_and_label(visible_handles, handles, visible_labels, labels, 0)

legend_set_draggable(ax.legend(visible_handles, visible_labels, fontsize='medium'), True)

ax.set_title('', fontsize=12.0)
ax.set_ylabel(r'Signal/#Events', fontsize=10.0)
ax.grid(True, axis='y')
ax.grid(True, axis='x')
ax.set_ylim(bottom=-18.343584245085168, top=131.56881646472806)
ax.set_xlim(left=-0.18399999999999994, right=10.464)
ax.bragg(workspace='MAR21335_Ei60meV_cut(-5.000,5.000)', element='Aluminium')
MialLewis commented 12 months ago

I cannot reproduce this directly, as any script I generate uses / as path separators.

Regardless, I've added a small fix which will ensure the filename string is a string literal. This should solve the issue going forward but I can't test directly.